Can Gallery 3 be configured to have manual thumbnails and no compression?


Joined: 2012-09-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2012-09-11 02:36

I have a special need for Gallery 3 and I want to know if it's possible to configure this out of the box.

I would like to start a Pixel Art community. Pixel Art requires uncompressed gif or png images. No smoothing, nothing whatsoever and etc. This includes NO resized thumbnails. Is it possible to disable automatic thumbnails and allow custom thumbnails? Also, if someone decides to post a rather large image, is it possible to allow a custom thumbnail for that image. So if it's a minimum size, let's say 800x600, it does not show up next to other images but instead a custom thumbnail shows up. Can this be done out of the box or would it require special coding. Also, is it possible to setup image zooming in steps? For example if an image is 40x40, it steps up to 80x80 in perfect magnification. For pixel art this would also be important, so no random zooming can be done to distort an image. then 160x160, 320x320 and etc.

Lot's of questions, but if you have experience with this, could you let me know how difficult it would be to setup Gallery 3 for something like this. If you go to this website ->, you will see what I mean by strict requirements that allow everything to look nice. It's a great website for this sort of thing. Can this kind of setup be made with Gallery 3?


Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 1857
Posted: Wed, 2012-09-12 00:13

No, this is not a currently available option with Gallery.
Yes, it can be done if someone codes it--meaning, yes, it would require special coding.