I apologize if this question has been asked and answered
. I did a quick search and didn't see anything related to this topic, and if I missed something in the admin control panel, then I also apologize 
[ok, that aside]
Just recently installed Gallery 3.0.4, and imported all of my albums/photos/etc from Gallery 2.
The issue in question is the fact that I have one particular album that is password protected and only viewable by myself (admin).
What I have discovered is that I needed to un-install the image block, slide-show, and RSS feeds, because they all will allow me as a non-admin user to see images from the password-protected album. While this isn't the end of the world, I really like these features, and would like to use them, but not if they allow any user to see pictures from this particular album.
Posts: 27300
Use permissions and not the password module.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
I hate to be stupid, but can you be more specific? From what I can see, the permissions for the album in question appear to be properly set (unless I am being dense and missing something!).
I went to a separate computer where I wasn't identified as the Admin user, and I was able to view pictures in this album (via the random image block)
Posts: 27300
Please create a test album that has this scenario.
As I can't reproduce.
From the screen shot it looks like the admin can only access the xxxxxx album.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
post or PM real urls
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team