My G3 has always been slow. top indicates heavy usage of MySQL, so I've looked what it is doing. This is list of queries executed just to return single image thumbnail:
121018 22:32:53 716 Connect gallery3@localhost on
716 Init DB gallery3
716 Query SET NAMES utf8
716 Query SHOW TABLES LIKE '%'
716 Query SELECT *
FROM `caches`
WHERE `key` IN ('var_cache')
716 Query SHOW COLUMNS FROM `modules`
716 Query SELECT `modules`.*
FROM `modules`
WHERE `name` = 'gallery'
ORDER BY `modules`.`id` asc
716 Query SELECT `modules`.*
FROM `modules`
ORDER BY `weight`
716 Query SELECT `data`
FROM `sessions`
WHERE `session_id` = '2an298q5b7kvr7pqc8565lb315'
716 Query SHOW COLUMNS FROM `users`
716 Query SELECT `users`.*
FROM `users`
WHERE `users`.`id` = '3'
ORDER BY `users`.`id` asc
716 Query SHOW COLUMNS FROM `items`
716 Query SELECT `items`.*
FROM `items`
WHERE `relative_path_cache` = '989_Rok-2012/292_Wycieczka-motocyklowa-Kampinos-Niepokalanow-Guzow-23.09.2012/DSC_0481_fx.JPG'
716 Query SHOW COLUMNS FROM `groups`
716 Query SELECT `group_id` AS `id`
FROM `groups_users`
WHERE `groups_users`.`user_id` = '3'
716 Query SELECT `groups`.*
FROM `groups`
WHERE `groups`.`id` IN ('1', '2', '3', '5')
ORDER BY `groups`.`id` asc
It's a lot, especially considering that it's not first request in session.
Why is it reading list of tables ("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%'")?
Why is it reading columns from items, users, modules and groups ("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `items`" and similar)?
Why is it reading user info ("SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '3'")?
Why is it reading groups info ("SELECT `group_id` AS `id` FROM `groups_users` WHERE `groups_users`.`user_id` = '3'; SELECT `groups`.* FROM `groups` WHERE `groups`.`id` IN ('1', '2', '3', '5') ORDER BY `groups`.`id` asc")?
It does all of this for each and every thumbnail on the album page. It's incredible waste of time and resources. All of this should be cached in session for example.
Is my installation misconfigured? It's 3.0.3, because 3.0.4 has some problem with names with multiple dots.
Posts: 31
I understand some queries are to allow flexibility in Modules to add columns to different tables, but the query count does seem high. I just enabled Profiling in Kohana to see this just to confirm the OP's observations.
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `albumpassword_idcaches`
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `items_albumpasswords`
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `access_caches`
Can't columns be determined procedurally from the result set?
SELECT `modules`.* FROM `modules` WHERE `name` = 'gallery' ORDER BY `modules`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `modules`.* FROM `modules` ORDER BY `weight`
Which is faster, SQL sorting or PHP sorting?
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' ORDER BY `users`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `id` = 1 ORDER BY `users`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '3' ORDER BY `users`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
Why hit `users` table more than once?
SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 0.000 1
SELECT `group_id` AS `id` FROM `groups_users` WHERE `groups_users`.`user_id` = '1' 0.000 1
SELECT `groups`.* FROM `groups` WHERE `groups`.`id` IN ('1') ORDER BY `groups`.`id` asc 0.000 1
SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` WHERE `items`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 0.000 1
SELECT `group_id` AS `id` FROM `groups_users` WHERE `groups_users`.`user_id` = '1' 0.000 1
SELECT `groups`.* FROM `groups` WHERE `groups`.`id` IN ('1') ORDER BY `groups`.`id` asc 0.000 1
The same 3 queries twice.
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '1' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '3' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '4' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '5' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '6' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '7' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '8' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '9' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '10' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '11' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '13' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` = '14' ORDER BY
`access_caches`.`id` asc LIMIT 1
This is unbelievable. Why not:
SELECT `access_caches`.* FROM `access_caches` WHERE `item_id` IN(1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14) ORDER BY `access_caches`.`id`;
Gallery 3 seems very fast, but all MySQL queries have overhead, especially as the server gets bogged down. Looking forward to a response.
Posts: 4
first of all I have to thank you all for great gallery My girlfriend has more then 6000 photos in gallery 3.0.4 and I have some performance problems with that. In
closer look I find that gallery makes over 3000 queris on one page click.
More then 2700 queries are from EXIF GPS module: "SELECT `exif_coordinates`.* FROM `exif_coordinates` WHERE `item_id` = ..."
and I can not figure out from where comes next 200 queries "SELECT `items`.* FROM `items` WHERE `type` = 'album' AND `parent_id` = ..."
Does anyone have similar problems?
Is it possible to rewrite code to one query like "where item_id in (..., ..., ...)" ?
Best regards, Bozek
Posts: 31
Hopefully this is not a Kohana limitation. And I'm hoping that optimization wouldn't break Modules and Themes.
Posts: 4
So... 2700 queries which I had on EXIF GPS module I rewrite to only one query, so if someone would the same, here is old modules/exif_gps/views/exif_gps_coordinates_xml.html.php:
and here is my new one:
Another 200 queries comes from module Album Tree which I rewrite in future I hope
BTW: Im not programmer, so please excuse my syntax...
Posts: 814
@bozek: what version of the exif_gps module are you using? v2 doesn't seem to include the code you posted above, or the massive query issues you've described. I haven't looked at what the latest ver is...
Also, you should post this in the author's thread as well, as there is a better chance for him to see it:
Posts: 4
I think that I have the newest version downloaded from here http://gallery.menalto.com/node/94762 The code above is in exif_gps.zip/uzip://exif_gps/views/exif_gps_coordinates_xml.html.php file from this link.
Number of queris depends on number of photos with gps data in exif. In my case I have 2731 photos so I had 2731 queris.
Posts: 722
Erm, sorry about that, I've sent your fix to github:
Posts: 27
I've found the reason for the "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%'" query.
There is a bug(?) in "modules/gallery/libraries/MY_Database.php". The method "add_table_prefixes" reads list of tables, even if the "table_prefix" is not set.
Simplest solution:
The result of the "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%'" query is cached for duration of the request in $this->_table_names, but it should be cached at least for duration of session. Database structure is not going to change during the session. Not too often, at least. Note that without session-level cache this query is executed for every thumbnail on the page.
Posts: 27
Hmmm.... the patch above doesn't always work, because original code changes some queries like this:
I don't know if these braces are Kohana's feature, but simple removal of braces seems to fix it:
I know this is not a proper solution, but the original behaviour isn't proper either.