Quotas module interferes with Register module


Joined: 2010-11-27
Posts: 15
Posted: Thu, 2012-11-15 07:47

Hi all, - Problems with module compatability - is anyone using these modules together ?

I have installed User_Albums and Register modules on my site, but when the Quotas module is also activated it prevents the welcome dialog (including user password) from loading correctly after a user first registers. The dialog box shows a partial 'Dang!' page, but no error message. The user therefore can't see the password provided by the Register module and login fails, although User_Albums still creates an album/group - useless without the password.

I suspect - but not 100% sure, that the problem may be with Quotas module as User Albums and Register work fine together without Quotas, as does Register and Quotas with User Albums deactivated.

After searching around the code I see that both User Albums and Quotas modules have -

static function user_created ($user)

in their helpers directory;- user_albums_event.php and quotas_event.php respectively. Thinking this may be part of the compatability problem I ventured to changing this to -

static function group_created($group)

in the UserAlbums module, which enabled the Register module to work properly but no album/group was made.

Unfortunately I don't have the php knowledge to try to fix this problem. Has anyone seen similar behavior they have been able to solve ?
