Well, what i meant is.... When do you think you will have a version of Gallery that could be easily installed on Windows?
My domain is on a 2003 Windows server. But I remember that a few months ago I tried to install it there and I had to make like 20+ extremely difficult steps. Needless to say, I didn't manage to do it. I had to get another domain (thids time a freeBSD one) only to host the gallery.
Isn't there any possibility that there will be a version that could be installed on Windows as fast as it can be installed on a Linux/FreeBSD server?
Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-08 22:12
mariana, it took me approximately 10 minutes to install it on a Windows 2003 server with apache yesterday.
BUT, that was on a local host. It's a different story if you are using some hosting service.
Joined: 2002-11-24
Posts: 83
Posted: Sun, 2003-11-09 23:04
Ummm You must be a computer genious! ;) I was talking about my server, my hosting service, to which I can connect through remote desktop. ;)
Joined: 2003-11-11
Posts: 135
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-12 08:23
I concur, it only took me about 10 minutes to install on my Windows 2000 Server remotely, but that could be because I already had PHP and ImageMagick up and running with IIS beforehand. You can't really expect Gallery to install and configure these elements, that would be like asking FrontPage to install IIS for you.
I am however interested in what went wrong, or couldn't be done when you tried to install onto Windows 2003? I have a test 2003 box, but no IIS as yet, and I don't intend to upgrade my main 2000 box until Christmas when I get direct access to it.
Joined: 2002-12-21
Posts: 19
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-15 15:59
I see conflicting posting in here... lets see if I can help a bit?
Gallery *can* work on Windows server, but only if you install Apache web server on it.
That worked well for the others, since they have direct access to it. (i.e. home box)
But for you, you are using Windows, which is owned by a web host, which means it is unlikely they will set up Apache just for Gallery.
I hope this makes things clearer?
Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Sat, 2003-11-15 16:25
Gallery *can* work on Windows, with IIS, but you have to jump through some annoying hoops to get it to work... Plus, you really need to be the admin of the box to do some of these things..
Joined: 2003-11-11
Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 2003-11-16 02:39
joyoflinux wrote:
Gallery *can* work on Windows, with IIS, but you have to jump through some annoying hoops to get it to work... Plus, you really need to be the admin of the box to do some of these things..
Sorry, but there are no annoying "hoops" to jump though to get Gallery working under Windows server and IIS - like I said, it took me less than 10 minutes to get it working. You just have to know what you are doing just as you would under Linux/Windows with Apache.
Yes, you need admin rights, but what's the problem with that?
I've been using IIS and PHP for the last 3 years and until v4 it was a small struggle but they've finally sorted out the quirks now that they've had the resources to look at it.
Joined: 2002-12-21
Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 2003-11-16 09:28
Taomyn wrote:
Yes, you need admin rights, but what's the problem with that?
Not all web host allows you to have admin rights.
Joined: 2008-07-21
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-08 00:40
I too am having an identical problem.
I have a fresh install of
Drupal 5.3
Gallery 2.2.3
And the Drupal gallery module gallery 5.x-2.0
Clicking on domain.com/gallery shows me a list of galleries
Clicking on a gallery icon takes me to the domain.com/gallery/v/artist+a/ but I still see the same list of galleries - and "This is the main page of your Gallery" text.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2009-03-08 06:26
Cristiano, I would suggest you start a new thread with your issue. This thread is over 5 years old.
Posts: 13451
mariana, it works on windows!
On Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 Server that is.
Best (easiest) install is on Apache, but IIS works too (unsupported though).
Posts: 83
Well, what i meant is.... When do you think you will have a version of Gallery that could be easily installed on Windows?
My domain is on a 2003 Windows server. But I remember that a few months ago I tried to install it there and I had to make like 20+ extremely difficult steps. Needless to say, I didn't manage to do it. I had to get another domain (thids time a freeBSD one) only to host the gallery.
Isn't there any possibility that there will be a version that could be installed on Windows as fast as it can be installed on a Linux/FreeBSD server?
Posts: 13451
mariana, it took me approximately 10 minutes to install it on a Windows 2003 server with apache yesterday.
BUT, that was on a local host. It's a different story if you are using some hosting service.
Posts: 83
Ummm You must be a computer genious! ;) I was talking about my server, my hosting service, to which I can connect through remote desktop. ;)
Posts: 135
I concur, it only took me about 10 minutes to install on my Windows 2000 Server remotely, but that could be because I already had PHP and ImageMagick up and running with IIS beforehand. You can't really expect Gallery to install and configure these elements, that would be like asking FrontPage to install IIS for you.
I am however interested in what went wrong, or couldn't be done when you tried to install onto Windows 2003? I have a test 2003 box, but no IIS as yet, and I don't intend to upgrade my main 2000 box until Christmas when I get direct access to it.
Posts: 19
I see conflicting posting in here... lets see if I can help a bit?
Gallery *can* work on Windows server, but only if you install Apache web server on it.
That worked well for the others, since they have direct access to it. (i.e. home box)
But for you, you are using Windows, which is owned by a web host, which means it is unlikely they will set up Apache just for Gallery.
I hope this makes things clearer?
Posts: 8194
Gallery *can* work on Windows, with IIS, but you have to jump through some annoying hoops to get it to work... Plus, you really need to be the admin of the box to do some of these things..
Posts: 135
Sorry, but there are no annoying "hoops" to jump though to get Gallery working under Windows server and IIS - like I said, it took me less than 10 minutes to get it working. You just have to know what you are doing just as you would under Linux/Windows with Apache.
Yes, you need admin rights, but what's the problem with that?
I've been using IIS and PHP for the last 3 years and until v4 it was a small struggle but they've finally sorted out the quirks now that they've had the resources to look at it.
Posts: 19
Not all web host allows you to have admin rights.
Posts: 3
I too am having an identical problem.
I have a fresh install of
Drupal 5.3
Gallery 2.2.3
And the Drupal gallery module gallery 5.x-2.0
Clicking on domain.com/gallery shows me a list of galleries
Clicking on a gallery icon takes me to the domain.com/gallery/v/artist+a/ but I still see the same list of galleries - and "This is the main page of your Gallery" text.
Posts: 27300
Cristiano, I would suggest you start a new thread with your issue. This thread is over 5 years old.
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