Problem with showing next page from tag


Joined: 2012-12-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2012-12-05 08:36

Hi everyone,

I have installed Gallery 3.0.4,
I'm using the Hebrew translation.

I can add without any problems tags in Hebrew,
he even shows me the first page from every tag,
the problem starts when i try to load the next page, he sends some gibrish to the url
and not the real word, putting "?(in a shape box)" and "_" between the letters, for an example:
if it would be the word "Gallery" it would look like this "G_?_l_?_?_r_?_y" of course it's in hebrew...

i tried to look up some php files like those in "tag" but im not so good in php and don't really now where and what to
look for.

maybe its a problem with "get" and "post" method?

here is a link to the site:

would be very thankful for any help.
