Need a little direction on extending ItemAddOption.
Earlier I was asking about doing some post processing after we upload an item.
So if we are just doing some post processing, do I need to imlpement loadTemplate function?
> it would need to include methods handleRequestAfterAdd, loadTemplate and isAppropriate
@see /modules/core/ -> ItemAddOption
If I were to implement, it would just to display message or is this mostly for capturing form.
Posts: 8339
loadTemplate is for adding your fields/options to the upload form
handleRequestAfterAdd processes the post from the form - so you would then store your customfields for each item uplaoded. @see -> handleRequest
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Posts: 27
We are doing this programmatically so we are given file and we are uploading files.
As we are adding items, we want to do post processing(ie add custom field values) to photos or albums
That's why I was asking if we really needed it...