Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted Errors on single site from multi-site


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 20:28


I am having a really odd issue - I manage a gallery2 multi-site installation comprised of 6 sites. One of the sites (the largest) has suddenly developed an issue with logging in. Whenever you try to use the login page it now brings up the error Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted.

However, it only does this on the single site, the other 5 are fine. It doesn't matter if you're a registered user or are just using random details you get the same error.

I've checked with the users and they're adamant that they haven't done anything.

I've tried searching, but none of the resolutions that I've found on the forum have managed to solve my problem. I am able to login using the manual method of putting the details into the address bar.

Another issue that started at the same time is that the Advanced search on the site stopped working as well.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

Gallery URL =
Gallery version = 2.3.2 core
API = Core 7.54, Module 3.9, Theme 2.6, Embed 1.5
PHP version = 5.3.8 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache
Database = mysqli 5.0.95, lock.system=database
Toolkits = Thumbnail, Exif, ArchiveUpload, SquareThumb, ImageMagick
Acceleration = none, none
Operating system = Linux 2.6.18-308.11.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 09:29:47 EDT 2012 x86_64
Default theme = matrix
gettext = enabled
Locale = en_GB
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)
Rows in GalleryAccessMap table = 358
Rows in GalleryAccessSubscriberMap table = 19402
Rows in GalleryUser table = 5
Rows in GalleryItem table = 16790
Rows in GalleryAlbumItem table = 2613
Rows in GalleryCacheMap table = 0
Browser (e.g. Firefox 2.0): IE, FF, Chrome & Opera

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-01 23:03

make sure the url is correct last line in config.php

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-02 01:40

Thank you for your reply. The last line in config.php is set to: $gallery->setConfig('baseUri', '');
which appears correct to me?



suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-02 04:58

try setting it to '' and let gallery figure out the uri.

Also run through the usual and clear the DB cache and check your DB for tables w/ too much overhead and crashed tables.

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-02 13:57


I have set it to '' but that didn't solve the problem.
I have also deleted the DB cache (which I had to do manually because rmdir couldn't delete the directories because they weren't empty). I then ran mysqlcheck on the DB with the auto-repair option and everything came up okay except for 1 warning:
warning : 4 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly
status : OK

I also ran the maintenance task of optimising the database, but that didn't resolve the problem either :(


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-11 22:54


Are there any other things I can try to resolve this problem? Why would it suddenly happen when nothing else has changed?



suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Tue, 2013-03-12 02:06

Put gallery into debug mode and see if its generating any unscene errors.
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 10:32

I have even tried reinstalling gallery2 with the minimal install, I've tried moving it to a local server and also to another commercial server, but it seems that whatever I try I still have the error of not being able to login without using the manual login... Here is the debug output when I try to login after a minimal install:

This is what I get when I go to the login page:

Debug Output

file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.language for core plugin controller , view core.UserAdmin Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file(/var/www/vhosts/, ) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1364207167] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter acceleration for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin
(mysqli): SET NAMES "utf8"
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=5 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1
getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 18446744073709551615
(mysqli): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap
(mysqli): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (18346,52233,54643,68645,71884,72055,72582,72595,74619,74637,74648,74655,75601,75621,75628,75643,75654,75665,75688,75705,75728,76941,77076,77126,79219,79724,79915,80582,82187,82428,82779,82788,82821,82874) LIMIT 1
getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin getParameter misc.markup for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter iconpack for icons plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok
(mysqli): SELECT g_parentSequence FROM g2_ItemAttributesMap WHERE g_itemId=7
(mysqli): SELECT g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId, BIT_OR(g2_AccessMap.g_permission) FROM g2_AccessMap, g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId IN (7) AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId = g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId AND g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) GROUP BY g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId
Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_dir(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_writeable(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/^55E^55E14245%%SystemLinks.tpl.php) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/^FD9^FD9328A6%%BreadCrumb.tpl.php) getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin getParameter misc.markup for core plugin getParameter validation.level for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Error performing core.LoadValidationPlugins callback realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ Error (ERROR_BAD_PATH) : Invalid path: modules/captcha/classes/
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class at line 171 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryFactoryHelper_simple.class at line 201 (GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::newInstance)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 175 (GalleryFactoryHelper_simple::newInstanceById)
in modules/core/ at line 190 (GalleryCoreApi::newFactoryInstanceById)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 1049 (CoreCallbacks::callback)
in /var/www/vhosts/^29E^29E4BE05%%UserLogin.tpl.php at line 65 (GalleryTemplateAdapter::callback)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1868
in /var/www/vhosts/^21B^21B11A4A%%UserAdmin.tpl.php at line 49 (Smarty::_smarty_include)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1868
in /var/www/vhosts/^54D^54D7A448%%admin.tpl.php at line 4 (Smarty::_smarty_include)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1868
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at line 906 (Smarty::_smarty_include)
in /var/www/vhosts/^3A8^3A818B59%%theme.tpl.php at line 58 (GalleryTemplateAdapter::theme)
in lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php at line 1262
in modules/core/classes/GallerySmarty.class at line 61 (Smarty::fetch)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplate.class at line 219 (GallerySmarty::fetch)
in main.php at line 521 (GalleryTemplate::fetch)
in main.php at line 104
in main.php at line 88
Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin

This is what I get once I've put in my username and password:

Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

Back to the Gallery

Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) : Controller results are missing status, error, (redirect, delegate, return)
in main.php at line 265 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in main.php at line 104
in main.php at line 88
Debug Output

file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.language for core plugin controller core.UserLogin, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file(/var/www/vhosts/, ) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1364207300] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the matrix plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin
(mysqli): SET NAMES "utf8"
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=5 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1
realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 18446744073709551615
(mysqli): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap
(mysqli): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (18346,52233,54643,68645,71884,72055,72582,72595,74619,74637,74648,74655,75601,75621,75628,75643,75654,75665,75688,75705,75728,76941,77076,77126,79219,79724,79915,80582,82187,82428,82779,82788,82821,82874) LIMIT 1
getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_dir(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_writeable(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/

All of the other galleries that I have (and that I've not done any work with) just give Error pages when you visit them. This is the output of one of those on debug mode:

Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

Back to the Gallery

Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) : Controller results are missing status, error, (redirect, delegate, return)
in main.php at line 265 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in main.php at line 104
in main.php at line 88
Debug Output

file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.language for core plugin controller core.UserLogin, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file(/var/www/vhosts/, ) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1364207300] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the matrix plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin
(mysqli): SET NAMES "utf8"
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=5 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1
realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 18446744073709551615
(mysqli): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap
(mysqli): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (18346,52233,54643,68645,71884,72055,72582,72595,74619,74637,74648,74655,75601,75621,75628,75643,75654,75665,75688,75705,75728,76941,77076,77126,79219,79724,79915,80582,82187,82428,82779,82788,82821,82874) LIMIT 1
getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_dir(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_writeable(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/

It looks like it's trying to find the captcha module, which is odd because I've disabled it in the admin...

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 14:09

first step would be to separate out the sites into individual G2 installs

just do one first so we can confirm that the errors are localized.

next you may have to give me access.

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 14:15

The first 2 pastes are from the birds gallery which now is its own (I've already separated that one out).



suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 14:23
(ERROR_BAD_PATH) : Invalid path: modules/captcha/classes/

does this file exist? does the webserver have permission to read it

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 14:48

I've reset the permissions and ownership on the modules directory and I now have the following debug output when I go to the login page:

Gallery v2.3
Debug Output

file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.language for core plugin controller , view core.UserAdmin Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file(/var/www/vhosts/, ) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1364222757] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter acceleration for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin
(mysqli): SET NAMES "utf8"
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=5 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1
getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 18446744073709551615
(mysqli): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap
(mysqli): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (18346,52233,54643,68645,71884,72055,72582,72595,74619,74637,74648,74655,75601,75621,75628,75643,75654,75665,75688,75705,75728,76941,77076,77126,79219,79724,79915,80582,82187,82428,82779,82788,82821,82874) LIMIT 1
getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin getParameter misc.markup for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter iconpack for icons plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok
(mysqli): SELECT g_parentSequence FROM g2_ItemAttributesMap WHERE g_itemId=7
(mysqli): SELECT g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId, BIT_OR(g2_AccessMap.g_permission) FROM g2_AccessMap, g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId IN (7) AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId = g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId AND g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) GROUP BY g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId
Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_dir(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_writeable(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/^55E^55E14245%%SystemLinks.tpl.php) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/^FD9^FD9328A6%%BreadCrumb.tpl.php) getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin getParameter misc.markup for core plugin getParameter validation.level for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter failedAttemptThreshold for captcha plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter failCount-core.UserLogin. for captcha plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin

And this when I login using my username and password:

Security Violation
The action you attempted is not permitted.

Back to the Gallery

Error Detail -
Error (ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) : Controller results are missing status, error, (redirect, delegate, return)
in main.php at line 265 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in main.php at line 104
in main.php at line 88
Debug Output

file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Unimplemented: GalleryUrlGenerator getParameter language.useBrowserPref for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.language for core plugin controller core.UserLogin, view Loading plugin core Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ core plugin successfully instantiated file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file(/var/www/vhosts/, ) file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.anonymousUser for core plugin [1364222836] can't guarantee 5 -- extending! file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the core plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix Class not defined, trying to include it. file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ The version of the matrix plugin is ok Loading plugin core core plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the core plugin The version of the core plugin is ok getParameter smarty.compile_check for core plugin getParameter id.adminGroup for core plugin
(mysqli): SET NAMES "utf8"
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Schema.g_info FROM g2_PluginMap, g2_Schema WHERE g2_PluginMap.g_pluginId = g2_Schema.g_pluginId AND g2_Schema.g_type = 'map' AND g2_PluginMap.g_active = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_userId FROM g2_UserGroupMap WHERE g_userId=5 AND g_groupId=3 LIMIT 1
realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ realpath(/var/www/vhosts/ getParameter id.rootAlbum for core plugin file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/
(mysqli): SELECT g2_Group.g_id, g2_Group.g_groupName FROM g2_UserGroupMap, g2_Group WHERE g2_Group.g_id = g2_UserGroupMap.g_groupId AND g2_UserGroupMap.g_userId = 5 ORDER BY g2_Group.g_groupName LIMIT 18446744073709551615
(mysqli): SELECT g_module, g_permission, g_description, g_bits, g_flags FROM g2_PermissionSetMap
(mysqli): SELECT DISTINCT g2_AccessMap.g_accessListId FROM g2_AccessMap WHERE g2_AccessMap.g_userOrGroupId IN (5,4) AND g2_AccessMap.g_permission & 1 = 1
(mysqli): SELECT g_itemId FROM g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g_itemId=7 AND g_accessListId IN (18346,52233,54643,68645,71884,72055,72582,72595,74619,74637,74648,74655,75601,75621,75628,75643,75654,75665,75688,75705,75728,76941,77076,77126,79219,79724,79915,80582,82187,82428,82779,82788,82821,82874) LIMIT 1
getParameter default.theme for core plugin Loading plugin matrix matrix plugin successfully instantiated Check the version of the matrix plugin The version of the matrix plugin is ok file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_dir(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ is_writeable(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/ file_exists(/var/www/vhosts/

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 15:06

lets deactivate the httpauth plugin
execute the following in phpMyAdmin or similar on the DB for this installation

UPDATE g2_PluginMap SET g_active=0 WHERE g_pluginId='httpauth';

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 16:27

I already have it deactivated - in PluginMap I have the following ones active:




suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 16:37

did your anonymous user happen to get deleted userId = 5

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 16:44

in the g2_User table the first user has the following details:
g_id: 5
g_userName: guest
g_fullName: Guest
g_hashedPassword: E5_fc447780c8ffcebee194e1600a065fb5c
g_email: (null)
g_language: (null)
g_locked: 0

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 16:54

well, this is wasting my time. guessing and waiting for a reply.
Why haven't you given me access yet?

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2008-07-10
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 17:13

I sent you a PM with details

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-03-25 18:13

immediately I'm greeted by

Error (ERROR_BAD_PATH) : Invalid path: modules/httpauth/classes/HttpAuthPlugin.class

this is the same error as above on a plugin that is not installed

plesk login creds don't work nor do the SFTP creds so I cannot check into anything.

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3