contactowner - error message translation missing

GuWeHa's picture

Joined: 2008-01-20
Posts: 28
Posted: Fri, 2013-03-15 12:18

Hi folks,

I'm using Gallery 3.0.5 and ContactOwner module version = 2

In file contactowner.php I found this line:

->error_messages("required", t("You must enter a subject"));

Because there is no corresponding German translation in the "incoming_translation" table of the database the English text will be displayed every time (see attached file), anyway if you choose German as language or not.

O.k., I can "repair" it the hard way like this:

->error_messages("required", t("Bitte Betreff eingeben"));

But, how can I correct it the right way, i.e. putting the text of the German translation into the table in the database?



translation_missing.png356.43 KB