I searched but couldn't find anything quite to do what I am looking for.
I have my main gallery with same 1,000 albums. So, people should be able to click on that and see the albums thumbnails. But, from there, I only want thumbnails displayed. I don't want people to be able to click through to the full-size (or resized image). That is, just thumbs in the sub-gallery.
I looked at doing some type of if statement, such as
<? if ($theme->page_type == "collection"): ?>
Display thumbail without URL
<? end if ?>
But, I don't see where I can remove the url link underheath the thumbnail in album.html.
Any ideas?
Posts: 1857
Depends on the theme.
Try commenting out lines 21-25 (of the default wind theme, if you haven't modified it).
Posts: 24
This was the solution I went with :
I'm still testing. But, I think it works.