G2 to G3 @todo g2_function_failed error.


Joined: 2004-08-18
Posts: 32
Posted: Wed, 2013-04-24 18:17

I am trying to migrate g2 to g3. This first time it worked successfully but now I just keep on getting @togo g2_funtion_failed error. I have not changed anything on g2 since I did it successfully, so I am hoping it is only something minor. I have looked through some other posts about this, but cannot figure it out. It all goes a little over my head.
Attached is the task log, can anyone point me in right direction on this?

Gallery version 2.3.2
Apache version2.2.23
MySQL version5.5.23-55
PHP version5.2.17

gallery3_task_log.txt1.37 KB

Joined: 2013-04-30
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2013-04-30 09:39

I think you need to check the actual error log on the server for more information.
I could be wrong - but it makes sense to me.... I got the same error, but pretty much when the migration was ending. All my photos migrated fine, so now I'm kind of wondering if I should care about the error or not....

Hope you get yours figured out.