modules lead to multiple (of same type) menus


Joined: 2011-04-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2013-06-04 16:36


I have a problem concerning some modules, resulting in having multiple times the same menu in the right side...
For example the menu "Language preference", probably from the "multilanguage support" module, is 3 times present. So does also the "Latest Updates" and "calender" menu, from "LatestUpdates" and "CalendarView" modules.
Where is defined what is shown in the right side?

Another question: as the upload of pictures is very slow and the gallery plugin of Lightroom is not working stable (sometimes it works, mostly not) I would rather like to have the option to put the pictures directly in the var/albums folder and check a module to produce the thumbnails and the needed entries in the database. Is that perhaps already possible with a module that I haven't tested yet?


floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2013-06-04 17:33
Where is defined what is shown in the right side?

Those are sidebar blocks if I'm understanding you. Admin -> Appearance -> Manage sidebar.

Do not add items directly to the var/albums. Use the server add method:


Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2011-04-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2013-06-06 07:53

Thank you very much. Worked fine. Just rearranging in "manage sidebar" made disappear the multiple entries of menues of the same type.

Two more problems with modules left:

  • module "Language Flags" has nice flags and works fine with simple http. Using https it just shows up in a drop down menu for the language - no more flags. Everything else seems to be the same in http as in https.
  • module "User info": if I try to put it in the dashboard it shows up a information like this:
    remove User Information
    This will display information about users when they Login, Logout, Failed Login Attempts, Admin Re-Authenticate, and User Created. It can be configured here.
    User Created - Logs users that the Admin creates and can log the users that are created by visitors when using the Registration Module and the Registration Module is set to 'Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required'.

    But the dashboard afterwards no longer shows up. Configuring the module also doesn't lead to a correct dashboard. Just removing the user information...

Thanks once again.