Grey Dragon Theme


Joined: 2012-08-19
Posts: 42
Posted: Tue, 2013-07-02 23:48

I am trying to tweak this theme and would love some assistance on where to look to do it.
There a little things I would love to tweak and do not know how.

Photo Page:
Descriptions for the photos
Where or how can I move the description to the right.
Presently it can only be located top or bottom

Gallery 2 had a nice photo page, tiny thumbs on the right for navigation then the photo description.
trying to figure out if that can be put into this theme and how.

The Slideshow....
I love it, but is there a way to set the ORDER for the slideshow.
It seems like it is random.

IF you are viewing a photo and click slideshow it starts, but not at that photo

Is it possible to start the slide show of an album by clicking on the album cover.
Meaning instead of opening the album when you click, start a slide show of that album.

Links or reading on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2013-07-03 02:48
Where or how can I move the description to the right.

you would need to edit photo.html.php in the view directory.
Should be fairly easy to see what is the description. Might be a bit hard to see through all the if else statements for the admin settings that position it top and bottom.

tiny thumbs on the right for navigation

but is there a way to set the ORDER for the slideshow.

I think it uses the order of items in the album.

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