error upgrading to 3.0.9


Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 2013-07-07 05:04

not sure what is going on here. I've updated gallery probably no less than 40+ times and never had an issues like this.

anyhow, I created a new folder, uploaded all of the files from the official 3.0.9 download, moved my var folder and then my theme and modules. after that, I deleted all of the files/folders on the server except for the newly created folder that contains the new files, var folder, etc., etc.

upon going to the link, I keep getting a "This webpage has a redirect loop error"...and I'm not sure why. the only redirection I can think of would come from the .htaccess file, which I deleted from the server altogether.

any ideas?


Joined: 2008-04-18
Posts: 424
Posted: Sun, 2013-07-07 05:49

nvm, it was a separate rewrite rule issue.