Error: I can't find NetPBM at the location you provided


Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 12
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-02 05:51

Thanks Bharat I tried to remove that .htaccess and there was no 505 error anymore. Now I'm stuck on this error. I have right path to it but I don't know it's not going anywhere. I'm pasting the error and it has path too so let me know if I'm giving the right path.

$gallery->app->galleryTitle = "Just Desi Photo Gallery";
$gallery->app->pnmDir = "/www/y/justdesi/htdocs/html/modules/gallery/netpbm";
Error: I can't find NetPBM at the location you provided. Gallery prefers NetPBM version 9.9 and up. You can install just the binaries Gallery needs from Gallery on SourceForge or, you can compile and install the entire NetPBM package from NetPBM on SourceForge. Note: You can install the binaries from the Gallery site even if you don't have root access on your box!
$gallery->app->highlight_size = "200";
$gallery->app->zipinfo = "/usr/local/bin/zipinfo";
$gallery->app->unzip = "/usr/local/bin/unzip";
// optional use_exif missing
$gallery->app->movieThumbnail = "/www/y/justdesi/htdocs/html/modules/gallery/images/movie.thumb.jpg";
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/www/y/justdesi/htdocs/albums";
Error: Missing value: Temporary directory!

Following is the error from my apache error logs.
"[Wed Oct 2 00:19:31 2002] [error] [client File does not exist: /www/y/justdesi/htdocs/html/css/embedded_style.css.default"

Could you tell me what i'm missing ? And why is it going to CSS.


Joined: 2002-10-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-02 22:44

I am having the same problem. I uploaded netpbm1.1-gallery1.0-win32 to my website, CHMOD'd to 755 &/or 777, and it still can't find it. What am I missing?


Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-03 04:56


I got it working on my site now. I was uploading Netpbm under my phpnuke gallery folder but when i uploaded it to /htdocs on my webserver and changed the permissions to 755, and gave that path in gallery config mode. Thas it.....:smile::)



Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-03 04:56


I got it working on my site now. I was uploading Netpbm under my phpnuke gallery folder but when i uploaded it to /htdocs on my webserver and changed the permissions to 755, and gave that path in gallery config mode. Thas it.....:smile::)
