Admin login does not stick - login required with every move


Joined: 2006-08-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2013-08-18 13:30

After a rebuild of a site due to a failed disc, I have everything working except any new settings through the admin panel. Every time I try to make admin changes it cycles me back to the login page. It must be something just with admin functions because this does not happen when making changes in the site as a regular user.

I thought it might be a browser issue so i've tried safari and chrome - same result.

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Mon, 2013-08-19 02:32

I'm sorry for the lack of response.
I believe this has been covered many times, and a search should resolve your issue.

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Joined: 2006-08-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2013-08-19 02:42

Thanks for your reply. I've done quite a bit of searching for this and haven't found the right answer. Do you mind directing me to the info, or suggesting which terms to search.

Besides looping me back to the login window, whenever I try to act (save, link), I also get called for the Debaser theme, which I've uploaded, but can't activate because it just returns me to the login page.

Thanks in advance.