Intro page or text for album
Joined: 2013-08-28
Posts: 24 |
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I'm wondering if there's any other way currently available to provide an "intro" page/text/html before or above the album's thumbnail page? I found this for Gallery2 and it seems that is likely the route to take but wanted to confirm. Would be nice if we could just import an html or text file along with the images in each gallery to a specific spot above the thumbs, on a model or in the sidebar. Sure would save me a bunch of work! (600+ albums with individual storylines and no place to put them!) Converting the text to an image is a consideration as well but still represents a sh--load of work! Really hope I'm missing something here as this would seem to be a logical inclusion. Thanks! |
Posts: 1857
Not understanding. You want custom content on each page, is that right?
If you want it at the top of the album, above the thumbs, you should be able to enter it in the album description. You'll likely need the purifier module for using html.
If you want it in the sidebar, use the code_block module.
You could also create a new field and enter it there. The custom_fields module would be the best starting point.
Lots of other modules:
If I'm misunderstanding, please elaborate; an image showing what you're after would help, too.
Posts: 24
Yes that's right. For the sheer numbers involved it would be nice to just import but your suggestions look worthy and I will look into them later today. Although the code_block module which I have installed doesn't seem to be "album specific"?
I was wondering if a local call to an iframe would be possible IE /intro.html for all albums resulting in each fetching it from their own unique folder?
Thanks for the quick reply, support here is top notch!
Posts: 1857
Nope, code block is not album specific. You'd have to use it in conjunction with something else.
I haven't looked at the custom_fields module in a while, but I'm thinking it would be a starting point for use with the code_block module.
I don't know what you mean by "import" because I don't know what format the data is in now. (A huge csv file, maybe?) If you create a new table/field, you could import it there if it's in the proper format, but even then you'd need to already have some correlation to the Gallery (item ids at the very least).
You could do a call/import to locally stored files, but that gets trickier and involves chopping into Gallery a bit. If you think that's the best option, you could look at how album highlights are handled.
Posts: 24
Sorry for the poor explanation.
What I have is individual files each titled "intro.html" with storylines for each album in each folder. That's why I was curious if I could just reference that file from each album without being folder or address specific, IE call for an iframe or ? referencing only "intro.html"
However you've given me lots to go on and I now think I'll be able to come up with a workable solution but must put that off for a few hours, wife calls...
Now if someone would come up with a module that removes all the remote links and script calls from cooliris I'd be dancing in the streets! (Yes I've seen the other available slideshows) I'll work that out somehow though, as I won't be held to waiting for other servers, ever.
Once again many thanks for the help!
Posts: 1857
You should be able to easily use php to pull in the file; just make sure to also include a fallback in case the file doesn't exist.
Follow up with a post as to how it works out.
Posts: 693
The Greydragon theme has an option to display the album description field above the thumbs.
Posts: 1857
@undagiga: The issue here is that the content that needs to be displayed in stored in a series of external html files. OP is looking for a way to have Gallery read those files into the page for each album. (There's a different file for each album.) OP will likely need to use something like php's include function to get it working, which is why a fallback is also necessary for albums with no custom file.
Posts: 24
Want to thank you again for your suggestions. The information did not go to waste. In the end however I transferred the descriptions manually. The original files had a lot of unnecessary code and (now) redundant details so devising a script seemed like more trouble than just rolling up my sleeves and getting it done. Once the modifications were in place, the process was fairly simple and the change over virtually seamless for our members. One site down, one to go!
Appreciate the help!