Hi everyone,
I've an issue by generating the thumbnails and sized images. First here's my installations config:
Gallery-Version = 2.3.2 Kern
PHP-Version = 5.5.3-1 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.4.6 (Debian)
Datenbank = mysqli 5.5.31-1, lock.system=flock
Werkzeuge = ArchiveUpload, Dcraw, Exif, Ffmpeg, Getid3, ImageMagick, LinkItemToolkit, NetPBM, SquareThumb, Thumbnail, Gd
Betriebssystem = Linux geordi 3.10-3-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.10.11-1 (2013-09-10) i686
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130811 Firefox/17.0 Iceweasel/17.0.8
The history is that my old Debian system with gallery2 on it had a brocken harddrive so I had to migrate the data to the new filesystem. 1st I had to install gallery2 manually on my system because gallery2 isn't contained in debian package repository anymore. Yesterday I had the time to load the pictures into the gallery by using "Elemente hinzufügen". So all my directories are created automatically. I've checked the flag "Vorschaubilder jetzt erstellen". Now the pictures are in the database but unfortunally the thumbnails and the sized images are not showing the correct previews. When I click down to the picture the picture is correct. Even when I rebuild them in the site administration it doesn't get better... 
I've found this page in troubleshooting section:
The descriptions are rather complicated for me. For example: Uninstalling "imagemagick" forces my system to uninstall more packages that are nessecary to work (i. e. gnome packages). I can do a reinstall easily but this doesn't seem the appropirate procedure...
So I simply want to delete the thumbnails and sized images manually in the file system in the first step. Are they stored in the filesystem? In wich path?
Does anyone had similar issues and can give me a hint what helped for him?
In addition I want to say that this is a private system. I like gallery because of easily search for a picture by descriptions and so on. Now I've more than 17000 pictures and I would be very happy to get it work.
Many thanks for your help
Best Regards from Germany
Posts: 1642
Hi Uwe,
When they say "uninstall ImageMagick" they mean the ImageMagick module/plugin within Gallery2 and not the ImageMagick application on your server.
This module/plugin allows Gallery2 to use the application on your server. It is this that the FAQ refers to.
Posts: 11
Hi Dayo,
thanks for the hint. I've uninstalled all grafical tools. This doesn't help.
Now I've deleted all albums and imported one album with only 3 images. Again the thumbnails and the sized images weren't correct. When I start a slide show the correct pictures were displayed.
It seems that there is something wrong in the cache or so because the pictures that were used for the thumbnails are from the other albums (that I deleted...) randomly.
Any other ideas? Many thanks for any help.
Posts: 11
Another idea: When I use the funktion "Erzeuge alle Vorschaubilder/Zwischengrößen" I get the following message:
Details der letzten Ausführung:
8 Elemente geprüft
So I would assume, that the system checks if there is a thumbnail and if so then it does nothing. I my assumption correct?
Posts: 1642
You need to have at least one graphics toolkit active.
Can you translate the German phrases?
Posts: 11
Hi Dayo,
I try to translate the phrases which are originally from g2. This morning I tried to configure my browser to show english content first but it didn't work with my gallery2. I hope I get what you would normally read in english.:
When I use the function "Generate all thumbnails/sized images" I get the following message:
Details of last execution:
checked 8 elements
So I would assume, that the system checks whether there is a thumbnail and if so then it does nothing. Is my assumption correct?
To your statement: At this time I've activated ffmpeg, netpbm and imagemagick.
Best Regards
Posts: 1642
ffmpeg is only needed if you have videos and netpbm is virtually dead. Main ones for pictures are ImageMagick and GD.
Not sure what exactly the cause of your issue is but your original installation using the debian repo was a bad idea. Best bet is always to download from here and install manually IMO.
You can try clearing the cache and rebuilding the thumbs again. If you have many items, it may take a number of tries before they are all done.
Posts: 11
I forgot to mention that I've downloaded the original from galleryproject.org and installed it on my system. Only my apache is from Debian.
This morning I tried to search for the thumbnail images. I didn't find any jpg or png files in the d2data directory. Are they stored directly in the database?
At this time I'm off for several days to test again.
Best Regards
Posts: 11
Hi to everyone,
can someone tell me where the sized images and thumbnails are stored in the database? My idea is to delete all of the entries and generate them again.
Many thanks for your help.
Best Regards
Posts: 1642
Go to "/lib/support" at your gallery url and delete all derivatives
Posts: 11
Hi Dayo,
many thanks. That does the trick.
Best Regards