video transcoder not functioning

dkerlee's picture

Joined: 2005-06-09
Posts: 50
Posted: Wed, 2013-10-16 05:26

Hello folks,

I'm having some trouble getting the module Transcode to work. Under the Dashboard > Settings > Movies, gallery does pick up the FFmpeg version, and correct path (see below). But when [i]I go to Dashboard > Settings > Video Transcoding, the system path shows up correctly (/usr/bin/ffmpeg), but the "click here to verify" javascript does nothing. There are no options in the "Audio codec to use." When I check boxes for transcode sizes, and select a default, I hit submit and it comes back with an error "There was a problem with the submitted form. Please check your values and try again."

When I go to upload a video via the webpage uploader, I get an error message that it couldnt' process the picture. The the video shows up anyhow with no transcodes.

Not sure where to look here. I tried looking around in the logs but haven't really got anywhere with it. I haven't seen anyone else having problems like this one on the board yet. Which log should I look in for errors to help find the problem?


Gallery version 3.0.9
FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.9-4:0.5.9-0ubuntu0.10.04.3 (Jan 24 2013) was found in /usr/bin
Apache 2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
php version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18

dkerlee's picture

Joined: 2005-06-09
Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 2013-11-01 03:17

I'm getting a little closer to figuring this out.

In my gallery modules > Transcode Settings, there are no options for the "Audio codec to use". I suspect this is because the module isn't getting a list of the available audio formats.

I was getting an error in my apache2 log
/usr/bin/ffmpeg: missing argument for option '-codecs'

I found that in this file:
line: 87

exec(self::getFfmpegPath() . " -codecs", $codecs);

When I would run
ffmpeg -codecs
I would get an error from the command line.

ffmpeg -formats
worked great.

I changed line 87 to
exec(self::getFfmpegPath() . " -formats", $codecs);

This gets rid of the error message in the apache2 log, but I still don't have any audio options in the transcode drop down.

So I'm still stuck with a general error message of "There was a problem with the submitted form. Please check your values and try again." in a red box on the Transcode Settings window.

Where else might I look for helpful error messages? I don't see much error reporting from the transcode module.

Any additional help would be terrific. Thanks.

dkerlee's picture

Joined: 2005-06-09
Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 2013-11-04 07:38

Turns out I had an ancient version of ffmpeg on the server.

old: 0.5.9-4
new: 0.10.9-7

I needed to look more closely at the reported version numbers from ffmpeg.

The old one reported:
FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.9-4:0.5.9-0ubuntu0.10.04.3 (Jan 24 2013) was found in /usr/bin

The new one reports:
FFmpeg version 0.10.9-7:0.10.9-1~lucid1 (2013) was found in /usr/bin