Hello!, i need to change var directory in a gallery instalation in use.
1) I copied /var to the new location: (/homepages/8/d495792104/htdocs/home/wp-content/uploads/var)
2) I edited index.php and write the new location:
define("VARPATH", realpath("/homepages/8/d495792104/htdocs/home/wp-content/uploads/var") . "/");
3) I rename my original Gallery "/var" to /"delete_var"
4) go to my gallery and and gallery try to make a new installation!!
5) Change my index to original file and create a local.php :
define("VARPATH", realpath("/homepages/8/d495792104/htdocs/home/wp-content/uploads/var") . "/");
6) Runs Gallery ... and try to make a new installation again!
7) rename again the "/delete_var" to original name "/var". and all ok (Uffff).
I'm very confused.
Posts: 27300
I'm very confused as well.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
I ever upload photos which Lrgallery3 plugin... I can work Lightroom and Raw files, and automatics update the gallery... it´s a clean and faster way to administrate and maintain a mirrow.
At the same time, some of this photos are used in other site (wordpress). I used to get photos from gallery which wp plugins but they are very slow, and rigid in presentation...
I realized to a good way to use the same photos in Gallery3 and in a Wordpress-plugin slide was used a WPplugin that only can take images of a local directory: /home/wp-content/uploads .
And believed that Gallery3 was more flexible in the location of his /var directory.
I hope I explained well, It is a bit tricky....
better see your self:
Posts: 41
I'm doing something wrong... But... what?!
Posts: 27300
Adding items to the var directory will not auto add them to G3.
You have to use one oft he upload methods.
I'm still confused as to what you want to do.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
I have a gallery installation, and need to change the location of /var directory.
I thought it was more easy to do...
Posts: 120
Is it possible that the permissions on your new var folder are wrong? Would that make Gallery think you want to start a new installation?
Posts: 27300
In addition to the index.php change from the FAQ you need to edit a couple of functions in the items model. Edit gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php
and change var/albums/ as needed.
and change var/thumbs/ as needed.
and change var/resizes/ as needed.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
All OK!!! .... But.
I changed the path but must to use "http" path
BUT Gallery start a new installation again.... >
But then revising again the "index.php" and found at the end of a file this:
then edited
an all works FINE!!!
thanks to all
Posts: 41
ok this folder has 777 permissions, but i changed permissions to root folders too ...
Posts: 41
Only two bugs... neither cooliris presentation, nor Photowidget works.... can't see any error menage, but not work!
thanks for help!
Posts: 27300
Your RSS feeds don't work either.
you have the domain twice.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
sorry.. don´t understand. this...
how can i make this mistake?
where is it duplicate?
thanks... again!
Posts: 27300
What do you have for
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
Posts: 27300
Does changing
$relative_path = "http://paseapase.com/wp-content/uploads/var/thumbs/" . $this->relative_path();
$relative_path = "/wp-content/uploads/var/thumbs/" . $this->relative_path();
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
All thumbs are lost.... and rss error:
Posts: 41
I tried to type the internal path:
and same error: Thumbs are lost. and in widget link:
the thumbs must be in "paseapase.com/wp-content/uploads/var/thumbs/"
Posts: 27300
Must be something about the sub-domain. It might be something that was not accounted for. I bet it might work if your gallery was not installed in a sub-domain.
I don't have time right now to install gallery in a sub-domain to test on moving the /var directory. It is not that common a request.
Perhaps others have been successfully in doing so and can report back.
Post back if you can sort it out for others to benefit.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
i´m still working hard to resolved
Posts: 41
i just translate a copy of installation to a new folder:
and again rss has a duplicate domain....
any suggestion?
Posts: 27300
Do other aspects work? If so then I suggested editing the RSS module.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 41
glubs... i read codes.... but not very sure what are looking for! but...
... I´ts very funny!! i have two gallerys and only One Var directory :-S
um... I can think of several uses for this.