Gallery on a server w/ several subdomains on it


Joined: 2014-01-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2014-01-27 12:48


I've installed gallery-3.0.9 and imported a few albums, that works great. However, I'm having a bit of a problem with some links that are redirected to locations, not specified anywhere.

For example, I'm in an album, looking at a picture, and when I click on Gallery, just above the image, the links is https://my-server/index.php/?show=3047, instead of just being https://my-server/ (the SSL certificate I'm using in a self signed one).

And so, when I click on that link, I'm redirect on one of my other sites hosted on that server (I did 'grep -R "the-address" *' in my gallery installation folder, the link isn't written anywhere), I absolutely don't know why...

Thanks in advance for any help :-)