Working w/ php 4.0.1pl3

schwim's picture

Joined: 2002-10-02
Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 2002-10-02 15:31


I've received the warning that gallery won't work w/this ver of php. However, the admin system for my server has perl integrated into it(Ensim) and I can't upgrade php at this time without breaking the server script. Has anyone gotten it working with this ver. of php by mods or massaging?


bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2002-10-04 18:35

That's an incredibly old version of PHP (like 2 years old) that has a ridiculous number of bugs and security holes. Your system admin really, really needs to upgrade. Gallery 1.x won't work on it because there's a serious bug in the serialization/deserialization code that would take a lot of effort to fix.