[SOLVED] Stecke im Wartungsmodus fest / Stuck in maintenance mode
Joined: 2014-02-17
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PROBLEM GELÖST!!! Moin, gestern Abend habe ich Gallery 2.3.2 mit 200 Bildern zur Verarbeitung beschäftigt und wie immer vorher auf der SideAdmin\Wartung die Seite für Besucher in den Wartungsmodus versetzt. $gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', false); ändern, so sie dann überhaupt auf $gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', url '/maintenance_url.php' ); steht. Dies ist nun nicht der Fall gewesen. Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit die Gallery 2.3.2 aus dem Wartungsmodus zu bekommen, als über die config.php? Grüße, PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Hi, yesterday evening I've upload 200 images to Gallery 2.3.2. I've set the side on admin pages to maintenance mode, that the server is able to process the pictures faster. Is there any other way to set the maintenance off? If yes, what is this? regards, Approach from Dayo that works on my problem: Dayo wrote:
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$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', '/maintenance_url.php');
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danke für die schnelle Antwort, doch so 100% verstehe ich die Information jetzt nicht.
Füge ich es einfach in der Zeile darunter ein?
(Ich werde es versuchen, vermute aber das das wohl nicht gemeint war)
Posts: 18
Vielen Dank für diesen Hilfreichen Tipp, es bringt effektiv nichts...
Ach, vielleicht liegt auch ein Missverständnis vor:
Die Zeile [$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', url '/maintenance_url.php');] bzw. [$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', '/maintenance_url.php');] existiert nur als [$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', false);] und dennoch steckt die Gallery im Wartungsmodus fest, aber das schrieb ich ja bereits,
demnach kann das ja eigentlich nicht zu Missverständnissen führen.
Auf die Idee mal auf die /main.php?g2_view=core.SiteAdmin&g2_subView=core.AdminMaintenance zu gelangen, bin ich auch bereits gekommen, ebenso erfolglos.
Hat noch jemand andere bzw. ergänzende Lösungsvorschläge?
Posts: 18
Wird es noch einen brauchbaren Lösungsansatz geben, welcher den Wartungsmodus in der MySQL-Datenbank oder wo auch immer der Wartungsmodus über die Adminoberfläche ausgelöst und eingetragen wird?
Posts: 8339
The proper syntax:
$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', false);
config.php line ~160
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Posts: 18
My config.php @line 159/195 since beginning of this thread:
$gallery->setConfig('mode.maintenance', false);
Effect: http://photos.jessika-katharina.net/ nothing...
Gibt es noch einen anderen Lösungsansatz?
Wie bereits geschrieben, ich habe die Seite über den Adminbereich in den Wartungsmodus mit URL gesetzt und mein Browser ist, bevor ich diesen dort wieder beenden konnte, abgestürzt. Seit dem hängt die Seite im Wartungsmodus fest.
Ich habe nie etwas in der config.php geändert und Veränderungen diese sind effektlos.
Is there a different approach?
As already written, I've set the page in the Admin area to maintenance mode with URL and my browser, before I could finish it there again, crashed. Since the site is stuck in maintenance mode.
I have never changed anything in the config.php and changes at this file didn't show any effects.
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UPDATE g2_PluginParameterMap SET g_parameterValue='' WHERE g_parameterName='mode.maintenance.lastUrl';
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inside the config.php or which other file or command-line? "Replace" the other line or added (before~after)?
Posts: 8339
You need to execute that sql query in phpMyAdmin or which ever database tool your host provides.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 18
UPDATE g2_PluginParameterMap SET g_parameterValue='' WHERE g_parameterName='mode.maintenance.lastUrl';
#1146 - Table '[Username]_[Tablename].g2_PluginParameterMap' doesn't exist
But a table without .g2 exists.
Posts: 8339
are you executing that from within your gallery2 database?
or did you choose a prefix other than g2_?
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#1046 - No database selected
{I think my prefix is photos_. I'll try it to change it.}
UPDATE photos_PluginParameterMap SET g_parameterValue='' WHERE g_parameterName='mode.maintenance.lastUrl'
Was executed, but no effect to the maintenance-mode.
Posts: 8339
Can you browse the photos_PluginParameterMap table and confirm core mode.maintenance.lastUrl is indeed empty?
config.php and PluginParameterMap are the only places this can be set.
You can also make sure you clear your caches http://photos.jessika-katharina.net/lib/support/
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phpMyAdmin -> photos_PluginParameterMap:
module core 0 mode.maintenance.lastUrl
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I guess the last possibility would be to check your .htaccess
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grab a fresh copy of index.php and main.php and replace your current versions
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Done... This is extremely screwed.
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I've searched the whole SQL datatables for the word "wartung", that's within the redirect URL, but:
I'll download the whole gallery files and scan the files for, but find nothing.
Posts: 8339
The only other thing I can think of is something more server related like apache or DNS redirect.
I'll ping Dayo and see if he has any ideas.
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DNS redirect of photos.jessika-katharina.net is set to /photos/
I will look for the apache redirect rules in a few hours, but I've never change them before.
Posts: 1642
Dont understand the first few posts in German but from google translate, it seems you had it in maintenance mode, lost power and it is now stuck in maintenance? Is that the case?
Posts: 18
yes, that's correct.
I've trying to translate the opening post.
Sorry about my rusty English. :D
Posts: 1642
Thanks for the translation. Need to brush up on my German!
There isnt any other way to switch maintenance on or off.
One thing is unclear from what you wrote about power going off.
Are you hosting the website at home? That is, is the actual computer at your home the one serving the website or do you have an account with a web host?
Posts: 18
I've shrinked the informations a little bit, because of freaking misunderstandable translations.
I think, if you don't use this language for more than a few times, that's not the right way, it's only wasted time. ;)
Other way, I need to brush up MY English, it's more usable for all! :D
Back to topic.
That's very *grmpf*, what's going wrong?
My server is hosted outside in UK, my home computer, attention ironic, is hosted in my kitchen with an little UPS, it's online over an cable-modem.
While I'm uploaded some pictures in maintenance.mode, while I went out for a few minutes, the powerlines failing. In case of this, my computer shuts down normal way to hibernate mode. But the upload process wasn't finished and the maintenance mode was still enabled.
After the powerlines back online (2 hours), I can start up my computer back online. But I can't access the webside to restore the gallery out of maintenance mode.
I's the only way reinstall the gallery and load up all the photos again?
Posts: 1642
Let us focus on your server as your home machine does not display your site.
Can't you edit the config.php on the web server ... the same way you did to put it to maintenance mode?
Alternatively, you can bypass the maintenance mode as admin by using this url:
(replace "secret" with your own password)
(replace admin with your admin username)
Posts: 8339
@Dayo, I know you are traveling, but please read through the thread.
We tried that already - and much more.
I would not have asked for your suggestions if it were that simple.
Although, I was not able to get to an admin login screen before.
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Posts: 18
Thank's you a lot!!!
For all others, they stucked in maintenance mode, try this workaround:
Dayo, thank U very much!!! It works!!!
Yes, I'm able to edit the config.php, but I'm not use this way to enter maintenance mode.
But the "Alternative"-Way is working!!! You can verifying it. :D
WOW, I'm very happy!
Und nun noch mal das ganze auf Deutsch:
Du steckst im Wartungsmodus fest? Ein Ändern der config.php und der SQL Werte nichts gebracht hat, versucht den Lösungsweg von Dayo, der funktioniert auf jeden Fall!!!
Posts: 1642
I am working through based on my understanding of the info Jessi has given to me.
So I have given two options because it seemed one of them may have been tried but I couldnt be sure.
In any case I am not sure what the fuss is about.
Hopefully, you can log in as admin and hope that helps.
Perhaps you ticked something to switch to maintenance mode in G2 admin.
I dont have access to my installation to check but vaguely remember that there is an option in the G2 admin.I normally use the config.php myself.
Anyway, I think once you are logged in as admin, you should be able to proceed.
Let us know.
Posts: 1642
Great news.
To others coming across this, if you can post in english on the main boards, pls do.
I dont think we have any German speaking regular contributors anymore.
Posts: 18
It's solved!
I was able to log in as admin and switch the maintenance mode off, but we have not try this way before.
I didn't know this way before, thats was the reason for my fuss. Sorry.
Posts: 8339
I'd be interested in knowing which DB field is changed in maintenance mode. I had tried a direct admin url and was redirected. I had also searched the DB for any maintenance reference to no avail.
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Posts: 8339
I think XCOM still watches, but no longer full time.
@JessiKath your English was fine
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@suprsidr thank U, but I think my grammatic is not so fine. :D
I'll try to contribute sometimes, but it's hard to follow every thing in this forum.
But now I know, who I can ask in case of a problem, I'm not able to solved by my self.