couldn't figure out how to change this text. (I'm working with the clean-canvas-theme).
I want to replace the lines 'image-name' and 'owner' by the title of the image.
and: I don't have much idea about css; till now I figured out how to remove the round corners of the images. more to come… 
thanks a lot
Posts: 27300
Does it change with the clean-canvas-theme versus the wind theme?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
no, changing the theme doesn't change anything.
just figured out, that it's not the copyright holder which is shown,
it's my full name! (upload of pix with different copyright.)
and I still have no clue in which file of the theme I can change this.
thanks for caring!
Posts: 27300
upload as a different user. disable or edit the info the info module.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
… then I will have the name of that user…
editing in the info-module changes the content of information of the picture, shown in the sidebar.
and the info 'owner' is disabled anyway.
below the thumbnail it shows the object name, the owner, the number of views. I guess I must change it in the right file?
Posts: 27300
Some info comes from the theme and some comes from the info module. Edit as you see fit.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
since I changed a lot in the CSS and messed up quite a few things, I did a new installation of the entire database and tried again.
settings - modul - info - show owner is set to 0
and the "by: gallery administrator" (before it was my name - ) is still there (I did not personalize right now)
? - helpless, sorry
Posts: 27300
Removing and changing is different.
Just use the localization feature.
You can change the owner of the item:
ul.g-metadata li:last-child {display: none !important;}
to the cssit might remove some info from the sidebar as well so you will have to check to see that as well.
or try:
perhaps the is better?
I'm assuming you want to keep the sidebar info but not the info under the thumb....
Does this work:
will remove "views" and "by" from albums and photos but still maintaining the sidebar info.
If that is not what your after then you will have to develop your own theme/module combination for the specifics you want.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
to the /themes/yourtheme/views/album.html.php
That should just hide the:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team