[SOLVED] Unable to add albums - assistance validating file system permission error


Joined: 2003-07-12
Posts: 26
Posted: Wed, 2014-04-23 18:05

Recently upgraded and had a few issues which were fixed with help from here & FAQ. This is probably the first album I've tried to add since and it fails with the "ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE". Checked the FAQs and found some areas to check but my setup passes. Verified the path in config.php is valid ( /public_html/gallery/g2store) and contains albums, etc. Enabled debug but don't see a database/deadlock error. Cleared cache data and hit a snag .... it looks like it might be a filesystem permissions error and I would like some help assessing before I launch "chmod -R 777 g2data".

Would appreciate some help and guidance.

This is the output from the cache maintenance tool - it was able to delete and recreate some directories, but not all.

Successfully deleted page cache
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity
Unable to remove directory /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity
Unable to recreate dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module
Unable to remove directory /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module
Unable to recreate dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/theme
Unable to remove directory /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/theme
Unable to recreate dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/theme
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/smarty/templates_c
Unable to remove directory /public_html/gallery/g2store/smarty/templates_c
Unable to recreate dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/smarty/templates_c
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/tmp
Recreating dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/tmp
Deleting dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/repository
Unable to remove directory /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/repository
Unable to recreate dir: /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/repository

So, then I tried the file permission tool in /lib/support to make the data folder read/write and that generated many errors.


[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/8
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/8/7
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/8/5
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/8/6
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/1
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/entity/1/1
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module/mime
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module/mime/0
[OK] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/module/mime/0/0
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/8
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/1
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/0
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/7/87097.dat
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/7/87037.dat
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/7/87903.dat
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/cache/derivative/8/7/87096.dat
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020
[ERROR] /public_html/gallery/g2store/albums/autos/events/cmppca0506/cmppca_052020


phpversion => "5.3.26"
php_uname => "Linux pluto3.van-dns.com 2.6.18-348.1..."
php_sapi_name => "apache2handler"
webserver => "Apache"
browser => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) A..."
dbType => "mysqli"
dbVersion => "5.0.96-community"
toolkits => "Thumbnail, Gd"
version => "2.3.2"

suprsidr's picture

Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2014-04-23 18:57

do you have command line access(ssh)?
chmod -R 0777 /full/system/path/to/public_html/gallery/g2store/

All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3


Joined: 2003-07-12
Posts: 26
Posted: Wed, 2014-04-23 20:18

I do and used your suggestion. It hit quite a few directories where the operation was not permitted but updated permissions on many. Still getting that "ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE" when trying to create a folder. I'm partial gallery2 and for my last upgrade, overwrote all customizations by uploading the full 2.3.2 package and using its upgrade wizard.


Joined: 2003-07-12
Posts: 26
Posted: Thu, 2014-04-24 00:33

Updating: my host provider double checked permissions and found the directories mentioned are already at 777 so the error isn't making sense to them.


Joined: 2003-07-12
Posts: 26
Posted: Thu, 2014-04-24 19:05

... and the answer is that there was no "locks" directory under my g2store directory. Not sure where it went but manually created it and voila.