Auto request for login when accessing protected album

Taomyn's picture

Joined: 2003-11-11
Posts: 135
Posted: Mon, 2003-11-17 23:27

I couldn't see a config setting that would tell Gallery (1.4.1) to request login credentials should someone try to access a protected album rather than just throwing them to the root of the gallery.

Any chance of adding this to the wish list?

In the meantime I'll try to mod the code myself to try and acheive what I need.



Joined: 2003-05-30
Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-19 11:45

Hi Taomin,

I couldn't agree with you more....
Especially when using the direct URL to a sub-gallery, it would be nice to immediately see the loginscreen if it is a protected album.

Please keep us informed if you are able to create a mod that will do exactly that :)



Taomyn's picture

Joined: 2003-11-11
Posts: 135
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-19 12:38

I've been looking at the code, and I can't quite get my head around it - as "albums.php" is hard-coded all over the place (naughty).

If anyone can point me at the best place to look I'll have another go,
