Hi there,
I am pretty new to gallery, using galler2 v.2.3.2, and have taken over an old gallery which should be frozen in. Old user should not be allowed to login and make changes.
My questio now: How can this be accomplished?
I removed the Login Link by using the following code in the config.php
// Disable login
$gallery->setConfig('login', false);
This will only remove the Login link. As one could use the Login link from any other standard gallery install by only changing the domain name and leave the rest intact, here now my qyestion:
If I remove all users, except the Admin user, will the albums and images still be shown, as there is no reference left in the user table of the DB?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Posts: 1857
It's been a while since I've used G2, but I *think* that yes, you can delete the user and have their images and albums stay behind. (But you may want to wait on someone else to confirm that.)
Otherwise, you can edit the user: change the email address, password, and even (I think) username. You could also change the permissions for that user to disallow all but viewing.
EDIT: Also see http://galleryproject.org/node/77190 (no response is there, but the information in the question applies to this thread)