languages dont change


Joined: 2003-11-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-19 04:38


i sucefully installed the gallery on my linux server via ftp, everything works fine but i cant change the english language. this is what i got when i acess the config page (step 1):

Check to see how old version Gallery of 1.4-pl2 is.

This version of Gallery was released on 10/11/03. You can check for more recent versions by visiting


Check to see if you are running PHP 4. Note that some versions of PHP have bugs that cause Gallery to fail. PHP4.0.0 uses a different file upload protocol, versions 4.0.3 and 4.0.3pl1 have a bug in the unserialization code that cause Gallery to be unable to read its own database. Upgrade to at least PHP 4.0.4pl1 if you can.

PHP v4.3.0 is OK


Check to see if you are running PHP 4.1 or greater. If you want to run the multi-language version of gallery, you need php 4.1. Upgrade to at least PHP 4.1 if you can.

PHP v4.3.0 is OK


Check to see if PHP is running in Safe Mode. Safe mode is a PHP security feature commonly used in shared environments. Gallery cannot run when safe mode is enabled because it imposes too many restrictions.

safe mode is off


Allow the Gallery .htaccess file to set application specific configuration options for the Gallery application. This is controlled by the webserver owner so it's not always possible for you to change it. The main drawbacks to not having this are that you may not be able to upload files > 2MB (eg, big ZIP files) and you may not be able to use mod_rewrite (see below).

I can read your .htaccess file


Check to see if magic quotes are enabled on your PHP server. If they're on, you may notice strange behaviour if you put ' (single-quote), " (double quote) or \ (backslash) characters in titles or captions in the gallery.

magic quotes are off


Check to see if your webserver is compiled with mod_rewrite. Mod_rewrite allows the Gallery to use shorter URLs that are easier to read and look nicer when you mail them to your web-challenged relatives. It's not an essential feature.

Either mod_rewrite is not installed or your .htaccess file is not enabled (see above). Either way, we'll have to use longer URLs in the Gallery. If you want to turn it on I'd suggest that you make sure that your .htaccess file works and then if it still doesn't work you may need to reconfigure and rebuild Apache with this flag:


Check to see if NetPBM is installed so that Gallery can manipulate images (rotate, resize, make thumbnails, etc). You need to have NetPBM or ImageMagick installed.

All 12 NetPBM binaries located


Check to see if ImageMagick is installed so that Gallery can manipulate images (rotate, resize, make thumbnails, etc). You need to have ImageMagick or NetPBM installed.

I can't find ImageMagick. If it's installed and not in the path of the webserver user that's OK -- you can specify the path to ImageMagick by hand on the following page. If it's not installed, you must install it. Gallery prefers ImageMagick version 5.4.8 and up. You can compile and install the entire ImageMagick package from
Note: They also have binaries available for assorted operating systems. If you can't get it working, try leaving the ImageMagick path blank and using NetPBM instead.


Check to see if jhead is installed so that Gallery can examine EXIF headers embedded in images created with most digital cameras.

I can't find jhead. If it's installed and not in the path of the webserver user that's OK -- you can specify the path to jhead by hand on the following page. If it's not installed, you can install it yourself. jhead is a public domain EXIF parser. Source, linux binaries, and windows binaries can be found at the jhead homepage.
Could not locate jhead


Check to see if jpegtran is installed so that Gallery can perform lossless rotations (only works on JPEG images)

jpegtran binary located


Check to see if PHP is compiled with gettext for fast translations.

gettext installed


Check to see what languages are available

Warning! Only 27 of 29 possible languages are available. If you want the missing languages, download a fresh copy of Gallery from


Testing to see if which locales are absent

Warning! Dates in these languages may not be formatted properly, because the corresponding locales are missing:
English (US) (en_US)
Simplified Chinese (简体中文) (zh_CN)
Traditional Chinese (

joan's picture

Joined: 2002-10-21
Posts: 3473
Posted: Wed, 2003-11-19 17:27

Can you try using 1.4.1 RC3 (or RC4 if it's out)?