Other way to configure than through the web page?


Joined: 2002-10-01
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-03 21:24


I installed Gallery on my PC at work for testing it, and it was working nicely.
Then I decided to move it to a personal & non-professional adress, and my problems begun...

When you register to a FREE provider of space on the web, you usually do not have other permissions than doing ftp (am I right?), and you cannot of course change file permissions, sometime you cannot create .htaccess files, or you cannot read it.

It seems to me that in this case, Gallery cannot be used unfortunately.
Or maybe developers could think about another way to configure it, without requiring the file permissions modifications.
Well, I would be glad to be totally wrong.
If some of you knows a web-space provider (either free or not) that you are using and where you were able to install Gallery, I'll be HIGHLY interested.
The point is: I want to keep using Gallery. Therefore I need to find a trick.
Thanks fopr your help.



Joined: 2002-08-24
Posts: 33
Posted: Thu, 2002-10-03 23:02

You need at least one way to protect the setup folder: either change permission or .htaccess. If your server can't even allow you to do that, I suggest you change your host.

Check the <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://gallery.sourceforge.net/wiki.php?page=Web%20Hosting%20Referral%20Page" TARGET="_blank">Hosting link</A><!-- BBCode End --> from this site. I am not familar with free hosting with php support (I gave up on free hosting long time ago). But most paid services can let your run php script and Gallery should have no problem. If you didn't expect a lot traffic to your site, I suppose any service is fine. Just search for a good deal and go for it.