This maybe down to me leaving something out, but rather that risk an upgrade I started off a new gallery, (bit of practise) all seems to work so far but for one thing, that's edit thumbnail, I get the window open with a gray box and thats it....
The rotate/flip option works ok so have I missed something out?
My Gallery v1.4-pl1 has this option working ok, so if anyone could point me in the right direction as to what I have missed?
Give us your Gallery/webserver information to get a faster answer.
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version:
Apache version:
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please):
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system:
Web browser/version (if applicable):
Posts: 3473
as it's a scratch gallery, can you give us access to see?
There's no known issue, and the applet has not changed between 1.4 and 1.4.1
Posts: 5
I'm having exactly the same problem
Posts: 133
That's it...
Joan is looking into it for me....
Posts: 3473
I'm not looking at anything until you provide me a link that illustrates your problem. It works on my install.
Posts: 133
I sent you a PM with my web address, account setup details not sure what else you need?
I'll send you another PM in a minute...
Well at least somebody else has the same problem as me so I'm not alone...
Oppsss.... never filled out a subject line and I thought the PM had been sent... gone this time... apologies...
Posts: 3473
I've received nothing from you. However, my inbox was 100% full
, so try again now.
Posts: 133
Did you ever receive a PM Joan?
Posts: 133
Now sorted....
Despite downloading Gallery in Zip and Tar format from various locations I was unable to edit (custom thumbnail) at all...
All I got was a grey window.
So I placed my current gallery's (v1.4-pl1) java directory into this lastest version of gallery and Hey Presto! my custom thumbnail editing window is now working again.
And just to prove a point, I put the new java directory from 1.41 into my old version of gallery and it refused to work there either, removed it and put the original back and works fine....
Regards Steve
(Glad I remembered to backup)
Posts: 96
Hi. I'm having the exact same problem. Edit Thumbnail produces a popup window with nothing but a gray box (no error messages). But I don't really understand what you did to fix it. Can you please help and explain in detail how you fixed it?
(I used FTP to install and I'm using ImageMagick)
P.S. Other than this post I found several other similar posts. Does this constitute as a bug?
Posts: 133
Ok, I was using the previous version of gallery before this current release.
Thumbnail editing worked fine.
I installed the latest version and my thumbnail editing no longer worked (The gray box)
So I copied the old java directory into this latest version and it work's ok
If you have an email address I will send you it and you can have a try, can't guarentee it will work but it's worth a try.
Regards Steve
Posts: 96
Thanks. I PM'ed ya.
Posts: 96
Thanks for the file. Here's a status update, incase it helps other or Gallery (because it seems like a bug to me)
Thanks once again for sending me that file but it didn't work for me. You sent me a file called java.rar, which didn't already exist in my java directory. But I had confidence in your concept so I downloaded gallery-1.4-pl2. I took the file ImageTools.jar from that and stuck it in the java directory and viola! Everything is groovy. Thanks a bunch.
Posts: 133
Hi Mike, how strange is that???
Well whatever the problem is it now sorted...
Just in time for all those xmas photo's got any spare snow for us in the UK for Christmas? :lol: :lol:
Posts: 7
Here is some more info on the problem: I just installed 1.4.1 on a new host (and I am thrilled by what it can do), and I too ran into the gray box when trying to edit thumbnails, unlike my experience with earlier versions.
I noticed that if I was using Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer, all of a sudden the ability to edit thumbnails worked.
Since the main difference between the two is that Mozilla is using Sun's java vm, I configured Internet Explorer to use the Sun java vm instead of Microsoft's. All of a sudden I could edit thumbnails using IE.
Since I can't ask my users to switch to the Sun java vm (although I think that they should), I need detailed directions on how to get my 1.4.1 regressed so that out of the box users of IE can edit their thumbnails.
Posts: 1
I tried replacing the old ImageTools, didn't help me. Installed Sun Java and now I'm back in action. Thanks guys!
Posts: 60
Anymore details on this?
I tried replacing the ImageTools.jar file, but it didn't solve my problem with this either.
Posts: 7
The problem is, if you have a number of people allowed to post to your site, asking them all to upgrade to the Sun Java VM (especially when some are very non-technical) isn't a practical solution.
I too would like to know the exact steps to get this fixed.
Posts: 12
I browsed to the forum after upgrading four seperate galleries that I run; they all have this problem. One of these galleries was a new install of 1.4.1, all others were upgrades from 1.3.x, so there's definately something funky going on here.
All you have to do is copy the file ImageTools.jar from a previous gallery's ./java dir into the same directory of the new gallery.
So, if you made a backup of your old gallery, simply get the file from there. If not, download a version of gallery that's NOT 1.4.1, extract it in a seperate dir, and nab ImageTools.jar.
I use XP w/ the built in JVM, not the 3rd party "real" jvm, and this fix works. I simply had to restart IE and log back in to gallery.
Posts: 60
I tried copying an old copy of ImageTools.jar from my old gallery, and it didn't resolve the issue, so I downloaded a new copy of the v1.4-pl2 I believe it was, and still did not fix the issue.
Posts: 12
Be sure to close your web browser (or to be sure, restart your computer).
The size (and thus md5sum) of the file changed in 1.4.1, so this file was changed; intended or not.
In fact, all of the files contained within the .jar are different:
Sourceforge is down right now, so I can't check when the new one was added, but it should be listed in CVS. I'm sure one of the project developers can check.
Posts: 60
Well to add to this, I was incorrect.
It works at home now, on my windows xp box.
But at work, it doesn't work with IE 6.0 on a Win2k box.
Anyone else go through a proxy server when trying to edit thumbnails at all?
Posts: 7994
I can't seem to enable the Microsoft JVM on my WinXP box so I can't reproduce this problem at the moment. Can somebody who is having this problem please let me know what you see in the Java console when you try to load the applet? My guess is that the last time I compiled up the applet I used a version of the JDK that was a little too recent.
Also, what version of the Microsoft JVM is failing? If anybody here can give me remote desktop access to a box that is exhibiting the failure I'll be able to diagnose this a lot quicker. I know that I changed the applet slightly in order to get it to work around some JVM issues and I can change it again but I need to be able to reproduce the failure in order to know for sure that I've fixed it! The version of the Microsoft JVM that is failing is going to be a critical bit of data for that.
I'll monitor this thread so reply here with details (or private message me if you've got remote desktop info).
Posts: 12
I Use the JVM from microsoft. I don't know if they have it on their website anymore, but the filename is msjavx86.exe. You can find it on google if you search for this filename. (I'd assume you'd have to uninstall Sun java and then install this one).
There was some MS legal battle for this, so I don't know if they can or cannot distribute the JVM anymore, or how this turned out.
Looking at the properties of msjavx86.exe, it says it's version "5.00.3805", which is aparently just some Microsoft version, and doesn't relate to a Java version. I would assume it's 1.2 or 1.3-esque. If anyone would like to find out what version of MS java you have, do this:
Start-> Run-> wjview
I've turned on the java console. Here's the class error it gives:
This should be what you need. Let me know if you'd like more detail or any testing w/ something.
Posts: 60
Does this help at all?
Posts: 7994
I haven't gotten my WinXP JVM working correctly (but I'm working on it) but in the meantime, I tried recompiling the applet with JDK1.1.8 for maximal compatibility. I'm attaching it here. Unzip it and copy it into your java directory and see if it works for you -- if it does then I'll check it in to 1.4.2.
Posts: 60
I'll test it monday, when i'm back at work.
Posts: 7
I downloaded and installed the new ImageTools.jar and it seems to have fixed the problem!
Anyone else able to verify that this fixes their problem?
Posts: 60
Fixed it for me too.
I just have to retest at home to make sure it still works.
Posts: 7994
Ok, as soon as you give me the final ok ccanevit, I'll commit it.
Posts: 60
I knew there was somethign I had forgotten to do last night
I just confirmed it does work on an xp box as well
Posts: 7
I hate to say this but when I upgraded to 1.4.2 this broke again.
Can we get a fixed version of the file into the official release?
Posts: 50
I'm having similar problems, but I think mine might be related to the version of Java I'm using. I did have the edit thumbnails working on an older install but after upgrading to Slackware 9.1 and Java 1.4.2 (using Firefox 0.8) I can't edit the thumbnails. I get the editing window to pop up, but there's no picture and I can barely pick an aspect ratio. The app also sucks up all the cpu time, it's like it's sitting in an endless loop doing nothing. I also downloaded the latest ImageTools.jar file in this thread but that didn't help either.
Posts: 7
The version in this thread (unlike the version included in 1.4.1 and 1.4.2)has worked for me in several environments: Win2000 w/ Microsoft Java VM, WinXP w/ Microsoft Java VM, and both environments with a few different versions of Sun's Java VM.
Have you been able to run other Java graphical apps in your current setup?
Posts: 50
Yes, I have been able to run other java graphical apps with my current setup. The ImageTools.jar file runs, it just seems to be slightly incompatible with the version of java I'm running. I don't get the broken link, I just get a complete grey box where the images should be. There is the aspect ratio pull downs at the bottom but it's like the app is constantly refreshing that portion of the window because it flickers. If I click on the pulldown after about a second or two the pulldown will appear. There also are no other buttons (done, apply, cancel, etc).
Posts: 7
Are you running with the .jar that came in 1.4.1/1.4.2 (which have the gray box problem you describe when used with the Microsoft VM), or are you using the more compatible .jar listed earlier in this thread, available here?
If the former, try downloading and installing the replacement jar. It fixed the gray box problem for me for all platforms that I have access to.
Posts: 50
With the version from the link above I get a grey box and the bottom status line says "Applet ImageCrop notinited". When I click anywhere in the window the status line changes to "Loading Java Applet Failed..." The image does flash in the greybox for a brief moment when it first starts up.
When I used the .jar file from Gallery 1.4.2 the window opens up, there is a grey box and I do have the selection for aspect ratio and landscape/portrait at the bottom. But that version seems to be stuck in the loop because it puts a heavy load on the cpu.
Here's the version of java I'm running:
java -version
java version "1.4.2_03"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_03-b02, mixed mode)
on Slackware 9.1
Is it possible to run the ImageTools.jar file outside of a web browser to test it? I can run other jar files with java -jar, but for the ImageTools.jar I get:
java -jar ImageTools.jar
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
Posts: 50
I just noticed something interesting from my Apache logs. Right after ImageTools.jar is requested there is a request sent for ImageCrop.class:
"GET /gallery/java/ImageCrop.class HTTP/1.1" 404 181
This file of course doesn't exist. I also looked back through my logs and found that this file has only been requested since upgrading to the newer gallery and new ImageTools.
Posts: 13
You can grab different versions of the jar file from the CVS repository. As of this writing, current is 1.10-*checkout*/gallery/gallery/java/ImageTools.jar?rev=1.10
It works on windows xp mozilla, IE6, and NT IE6, whereas the earilier one didn't. Had to restart IE for it to see the latest jar file.
Posts: 50
The latest version doesn't work, already tried it. The results are outlined a couple of messages above.