

Joined: 2002-10-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-05 21:58

I've been looking for a gallery software and finally opted for Gallery. You guys have been doing a great job. Congratulations.

I've installed 1.3.1 and it works fine. I've seen that v2 will be really powerful with its database.

My question is: as it seems that v2 will not be out before at least 6 months (considering the road map), I'd like to use v1.3.1 on my site. But will v2 be fully compatible or will I have to upload my thousands of images again into the database and setup things totally again?



Joined: 2002-08-24
Posts: 33
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-07 07:07

I suppose there will be an upgrade script to upgrade your gallery 1.3.x to 2.x.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-07 21:43

We plan to provide an upgrade path from G1 to G2, but it probably won't be available until late in the development cycle.