i am totally confused here?


Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2002-10-06 15:21

i am getting this error after i try to save the configuration.

Warning: MkDir failed (Permission denied) in /home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/classes/gallery/UserDB.php on line 35
Error: Unable to create dir: /home/sites/site178/web/albums/.users
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/classes/gallery/UserDB.php on line 99

i am not using the orignal gallery script its this one.

<!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="http://www.shackrats-hideout.com/sdownload/index.php?op=showfiles&amp;catid=160" TARGET="_blank">Gallery for vbPortal v1.3.2-r3.zip</A><!-- BBCode End -->

i think it has something to do with the .htaccess file? but i am not expert. i am very limited with php and kind of go with the instructions.

here are some details about what i get during the install.

Check to see if your webserver is compiled with mod_rewrite. Mod_rewrite allows the Gallery to use shorter URLs that are easier to read and look nicer when you mail them to your web-challenged relatives. It's not an essential feature.

Either mod_rewrite is not installed or your .htaccess file is not enabled (see above). Either way, we'll have to use longer URLs in the Gallery. If you want to turn it on I'd suggest that you make sure that your .htaccess file works and then if it still doesn't work you may need to reconfigure and rebuild Apache with this flag:

Check to see if jhead is installed so that Gallery can examine EXIF headers embedded in images created with most digital cameras

I can't find jhead. If it's installed and not in the path of the webserver user that's OK -- you can specify the path to jhead by hand on the following page. If it's not installed, you can install it yourself. jhead is a public domain EXIF parser. Source, linux binaries, and windows binaries can be found at the jhead homepage.

i get the jhead working fine after i define the path for it and set permissions. everthing else on the step 1 setup screen works fine.

here is some stuff on step 2

Path to NetPBM
The path to the directory containing NetPBM on your system. If you downloaded NetPBM from the Gallery download page, don't forget to make the files executable. Eg. /usr/local/netpbm or /usr/local/bin or c:appsnetpbm = /home/sites/site178/web/netpbm

Highlight size
The target size (in pixels) of thumbnails shown in the gallery page (highlight images)
= 200 (default)

The filesystem path to the 'zipinfo' binary. This is optional so if you don't have it, don't worry about it too much
= /usr/bin/zipinfo

The filesystem path to the 'unzip' binary. This is optional so if you don't have it, don't worry about it too much
= /usr/bin/unzip

The filesystem path to the 'jhead' exif parser. This is optional so if you don't have it, don't worry about it too much. Eg. /usr/local/bin/jhead or c:binjhead.exe
= /home/sites/site178/web/jhead.txt (< -- not having a problem anymore- see step 4)

Thumbnail image
The filesystem path to the thumbnail image to show for movies. Eg. /home/foo/thumbnail.jpg
= /home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/images/movie.thumb.jpg

Album directory
The full path on physical disk to the directory where your photos will be stored. This directory should start off empty -- Gallery will fill it. Note that this directory needs to have write access by the user who is running the web server (in your case this user is root)
= /home/sites/site178/web/albums

Temporary directory
The filesystem path to a temporary directory. Eg. /tmp or c:windowstemp. Note that if you have open_basedir configured on your system, then this temporary directory must be inside the open_basedir path! In that case you may need to create the tmp directory yourself and make sure that it's writable by the webserver process
= /home/sites/site178/web/temp

Gallery URL
The full URL to the Gallery web application. Eg. http://www.foo.com/gallery.
= http://www.nbguy.com/modules/Photo_Gallery

Albums URL
The full URL to your album directory (specified above) on your web server. Eg. http://www.foo.com/albums
= http://www.nbguy.com/albums

Note that the requirements for this value have changed since v1.1

Advanced) Session variable
This is the session variable used to contain all Gallery session information. Change this if there is a conflict between Gallery and another PHP app on your website
= gallery_session

evrything else is left at default.
i left step 3 alone so i can change it later. its set at default settings.

this is the results of step - 4

/* Version */
$gallery->app->config_version = 30;

/* Features */
$gallery->app->feature["zip"] = 1;
$gallery->app->feature["rewrite"] = 0; // (missing GALLERY_REWRITE_OK -- it's optional)
$gallery->app->feature["mirror"] = 0; // (missing mirrorSites -- it's optional)

/* Constants */
$gallery->app->galleryTitle = "NBGUY Photo Galleries";
$gallery->app->pnmDir = "/home/sites/site178/web/netpbm";
$gallery->app->highlight_size = "200";
$gallery->app->zipinfo = "/usr/bin/zipinfo";
$gallery->app->unzip = "/usr/bin/unzip";
$gallery->app->use_exif = "/home/sites/site178/web/jhead.txt";
$gallery->app->movieThumbnail = "/home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/images/movie.thumb.jpg";
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/home/sites/site178/web/albums";
$gallery->app->tmpDir = "/home/sites/site178/web/temp";
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://www.nbguy.com/modules/Photo_Gallery";
$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://www.nbguy.com/albums";
// optional mirrorSites missing
$gallery->app->showAlbumTree = "no";
$gallery->app->cacheExif = "no";
$gallery->app->jpegImageQuality = "95";
$gallery->app->timeLimit = "30";
$gallery->app->debug = "no";
$gallery->app->use_flock = "yes";
$gallery->app->expectedExecStatus = "0";
$gallery->app->sessionVar = "gallery_session";
$gallery->app->userDir = "/home/sites/site178/web/albums/.users";
$gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "ppmtojpeg";

/* Defaults */
$gallery->app->default["bordercolor"] = "black";
$gallery->app->default["border"] = "1";
$gallery->app->default["font"] = "arial";
$gallery->app->default["cols"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["rows"] = "3";
$gallery->app->default["thumb_size"] = "150";
$gallery->app->default["resize_size"] = "640";
$gallery->app->default["fit_to_window"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["use_fullOnly"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["print_photos"] = "shutterfly";
$gallery->app->default["returnto"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["showOwners"] = "no";
$gallery->app->default["albumsPerPage"] = "5";
$gallery->app->default["showSearchEngine"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["useOriginalFileNames"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["display_clicks"] = "yes";
$gallery->app->default["public_comments"] = "yes";

at this point there is no errors in red and everything seems well. so i click "save config" and get the following.....

Warning: MkDir failed (Permission denied) in /home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/classes/gallery/UserDB.php on line 35
Error: Unable to create dir: /home/sites/site178/web/albums/.users
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/sites/site178/web/modules/Photo_Gallery/classes/gallery/UserDB.php on line 99

this is driving me up a wall?

i tried installing your script from this site and was having problems. but i also wanted the script to work with my vbulletin portal so i went with this new one. the install seems to be the exact same thing.

thank you in advance for helping me with this. :grin:


Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2002-10-06 15:26

a couple of more notes for this post....

when i upload the .htaccess file to my web host it disapears? so what i have done to change permissions is remove the . and just upload the htaccess chmod the file and then add the . in front and then it disappears again. i dont know what this does to the folder but i gave it a shot. and it got me further then before... :grin:

my host is a linux machine. i do not own it i pay for the host. if that helps at all?

thanks again :smile:


Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 3
Posted: Sun, 2002-10-06 15:34

ok, all set now. LOL

maybe i should pay more attention. :grin:

i cmod the direstory /web/albums to 777 and fixed the problem.
