Batch Download Feature


Joined: 2004-01-01
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2004-01-01 18:44

Hi All,

First and foremost, Happy New Year to everyone :)

Secondly and equally as important, I'd just like to say that Gallery is one wonderful piece of software. Thanks to all who have contributed to this excellent project.

I refer to a requested feature/suggestion by a member of the forum in the following thread:

I too have searched the forums but didn't find anyone other similar threads.
No reply was given to said thread so I thought I'd revive the topic.

I'm looking for a similar feature. The reason for this is that there are often times when I want to show an album to somebody and they rather download all pics in (an) album(s) and view them rather than loading one by one (there are many reasons why somebody may want to download the pics instead of loading one by one).
I know this might be asking for a bit much, but what would be ideal is a way to generate a .exe file with the pics the user has selected (they can be given the choice of selecting individual pics, albums, sub albums and/or a combination thereof) with some generic code in the .exe to display the photos. If this isn't possible, maybe generating a PDF file with the requested photos? This would be an awesome feature to have.

I look forward to reading your reply.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2004-01-01 19:41

i don't like the .exe idea, platform specific and is more "howto build a slideshow program".
the pdf solution isn't a big deal.
- creating a big pdf (lots/big pics) could take a lot of time, on most servers you have a 30 seconds limitations for php files.
- the download will be quite big, but that applies too for clicking all images on the server...

why not just offer a tar.gz archive of all images in an album (not that hard to do) and let the people who download it decide themself what to do with the images. most people will have something like ACDSee (image browser) or use the image viewer from windows xp.


Joined: 2004-01-05
Posts: 19
Posted: Mon, 2004-01-05 10:37

I'd like to see this feature added also. I don't want to waste space by creating archives that will remain on my server. I'm looking for a solution which would create the archive on demand and delete it when no longer needed. I've seen a similiar setup before, but have forgotten how it worked.