Hello everybody and thanks for all your good wook.
I know that you are busing with coding G2. But is there a chance that the G2 Projekt Plan will be updated, as it is meanwhile 4 months old I'm curious what has changed since them and what was implemented.
I know, G2 is done, when it is done, but have you targeted yet an Beta phase?
What about Xaraya integration, are there any plans for it?
Posts: 7994
There is no formal G2 project plan at the moment, partially because we have no project manager. It's all in my head
One way to see what's happening is to download the tarball snapshots and play with them. It's in a reliable and usable state right now...
We do plan to do Xaraya integration and will commence on that when we get to alpha.
Posts: 90
HI Bharat,
thank you for you quick reply. Im sorry to hear, that there is no actual project plan, so someone can monitor the progress of Gallery 2.
Also I think, it is very dangerous, to have only a project plan in the head. What happens if Cole is throwing an Lego to your head? Than you project plan will be erased.
A possible solution is to wear at home a helmet. It is also useful if your wife throws with ceramic. :D
But Im glad to hear, that Xaraya integration will come. Drop me a line, as a Xaraya and Gallery Fan, Im glad to make a beta test. ;-)
Is the Database Design of Gallery 2 finished? If so, than I will gladly test Gallery 2. But I don't want to flub around with the DB at my provider.
Posts: 974
I am +1 for Bharat wearing a helmet at all times.
Posts: 7994
[below is cut and pasted from another post -- in the meantime I'll wear a helmet
The G2 project information on the website is very dated. At the moment,
G2 is moving along at a nice pace with about 7 developers contributing
to it. My stock answer on when we release it is "when we're done" but
at the moment I'm thinking about an alpha date somewhere about 2-3
months out. We don't have an official project plan, largely because we
don't have a real project manager. To remedy this, I just posted a
news story on the website calling for project managers to join up and
help out. Let's see if that nets us somebody who will help us communicate
our schedule to the world...
Posts: 90
I'm happy to hear that you follow my advice to wear a helmet. :D
I'm only a junior project manager and still learning. So, my help to you is very limited.
But personally I think the Gallery developers makes to much things at the same time, e.g. working on both Gallery 1 and Gallery 2. Why not holding off the development for Gallery 1 for some weeks, to focus all developers on Gallery 2, until it reaches Alpha or Beta state? Gallery 1 is pretty stable.
Also it is good, if you make yourself steps, rather than working on all modules at the same time. I think most important is the finishing of the Database design and tables layout.
Looking through the posts, it is also the main complaint from Pre-Alpha users, that they have to delete their database whenever a new version comes out.
When the Database design is finished, there will be also more people making tests, because to upload some HTML code to the Website is a lot of easier, than to flub around with the Database.
Just my 2 cents,
Posts: 32509
- (Most) developers of G2 don't work on G1.
- the DB design is quite stable, there were no major changes in the last few weeks(months)
- the core module and some others are working but they all need tweaking and some are not feature complete. hence there will be some changes in the db, mostly additions, 'till they reach alpha.
IMO the bottleneck isn't that there are too few testing users, but there are too few developers / too few devel. hours per week.
furthermore, it would take quite some time to write a update script for each built and time is exactly what is the limiting factor.