it would be nice if gallery would provide the visitor the possibility to download all pictures of a album as zipped file. This file should be either created via a cronscript or on-the-fly. Later might cause high load on the server, but first might provide old content. So both have up and downs. However, it should still be the album owners choice if to provide such a download option or not.
Woulf be nice to see such a feature ;-)
Posts: 1
I agree with the other guy, that it would be great if Gallery had a "download all" function... BUT... I think it could go further. It would be great if Gallery could export an entire gallery or album to a standalone set of HTMLS (a "local" copy of the gallery). My gallery is very popular amongst my friends and family but alot have slow internet
and as such cannot look at all my photos and movies 
If I could export the gallery to a "standalone" set of htmls I could then burn it to CD or DVD and post it to them.
Just an idea
Posts: 32509
Posts: 14
Is there a more up to date version of this? I would love a program to export gallery to static HTML for exactly the reasons listed on Mr. Walsh's page, but he seems to have stopped updating his scripts.
additionally, it would be a pain to run those scripts on a windows machine.
I tried searching the forums, but this is the most recent / accurate post I could find with the rather limited search functionality provided.