Watermark, Image-URL-Scrambler anyone interested?


Joined: 2004-02-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2004-02-03 13:26

To protect images within gallery, i developed a watermarking / image-scrambling feature. Unfortunately it is not a plugin (but if someone is interested, I'll post the code and necessary gallery-core-changes here).
It is also for the postnuke environment, but it should be easy to apply the same customizations for the standalone version.

The watermarking adds a Watermark to Images (except thumbnails)

The Image-URL-Scrambler exchanges the generic image-urls picture.thumb.jpg, picture.sized.jpg, picture.jpg for a random string via which the image is called.

The Image itself then only "lives" for 10 seconds, to be displayed on the website, but calling the same Image via the same url a second time results in a "scrambled" image.

With both Features enabled it is possible for the Gallery-Images-Folder which holds the picture sources to reside below www-root. Therefore even if some hacker unscrables the random string, he would't be able to access the image.

NOW What I suggest for gallery is to enable a plugin structure for the application. A set of functions that can be modified and that is called for each image so people can add their own watermarking, scrambling,... functions.

bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2004-02-14 07:57

The good news is that we've implemented true image security in G2, where the images don't live under the www-root and they can't be viewed unless you have the correct permissions. G2 also has the kind of modular structure that you want. This enables us to write the kind of plugins that you're looking for. In fact, we've got a developer who is mostly done with the watermarking plugin already (though it's not committed yet).

Check out G2 and leave feedback about it in the G2 forums!

mastrboy's picture

Joined: 2004-08-07
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2004-08-10 11:07

i want the code.. :)