re-size images


Joined: 2002-10-04
Posts: 10
Posted: Sat, 2002-10-19 03:00

Here's my problem when you click on the thumb nail it enlarges it to a second large photo then if you click on the second large photo in goes to a third large photo. If you login to make updates you are able to resize the middle second image just by going to the resize tab on top. the text below loads when resize tab is click

Resizing photos
This will resize your photos so that the longest side of the photo is equal to the target size below.
What is the target size for this photo?
orig size 1024 800 700 640 600 500 400 cancel

This all works great with second photo, but if i try to do same for the (third large photo) nothing happens it only makes changes to the (second photo).(Its almost as if the code is pointing to the second photo only) This also happens when you click on resize all photos in the thumb section. What can I do to make changes do I have to re-upload the orig photo and make smaller 800x600 which would take years because I have about 700 photos and I renamed them all in the gallery so (the orig photo name is not the same as gallery photo which would make the uploading of all new photos a chore). The reason I want the larger photo resized is because I don't want to have to scroll left or right.

Again thanks in advance for your time and help.



beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Mon, 2002-10-21 02:08

Jody... hang tight a short while.

I'm working on something that should also work for you. I've decided that I now want to reduce the size of all the photos on my website (they're too big... visually and in hard drive space). But I don't want to do all 1,500 by hand... so I'm writing a script that will scale down (using NetPBM) any photos which are larger than the target size for a given album, and give the option to eliminate the middle size entirely.

It should be done soon, and I'll keep you posted.

-Beckett (