Remote Problems...JRE related?
Joined: 2004-02-13
Posts: 2 |
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I'm running Windows XP Pro SP1 w/all updates. I have the Jave 2 Runtime Environment, SE v 1.4.2_03 iinstalled. Originally, I tried to download the Remote 1.3.1 with the VM included. However, the installation menus did not work correctly, and it would hang (I had no okay/next buttons - just cancel) at the installation summary screen. [img][/img] So I uninstalled the JRE, and used Microsofts. Then loaded the Gallary w/o the VM. (The others still would not work). The menus loaded correctly, however, when I launched the program it said it was too old of a version to use. I had to reinstall SUN's. At this point, the program does launch and it will connect to the site. I can create a new album, but I cannot add pictures to it. When I click the button it sits for a few seconds and does nothing. Kinda like the interface isn't exactly right. [img][/img] Any ideas? Are there any other JREs/VM's I can use? |
Posts: 1479
GR only works with Java 1.4 and later. No MS VM (because it's ancient).
The last screenshot here shows that you have indeed added a picture. Can you drag and drop pictures?
It's possible that something is wrong with GR, but from the look of your screenshots I'd say it's more likely it's something wrong with your system; it looks very... er... customized
Posts: 2
I am able to drag/drop pictures...but whenever I click on the Upload button, nothing happens. I am firewalled at work, but from what I read, it's all done via HTTP so that shouldn't matter. It is able to create new albums on the server as well...just adding the pics doesn't work.
I can try it on another system this weekend or monday to see if that is the case, but nothing is sticking out in my head.
Posts: 1479
Could you post the log of that session?
FAQ Gallery Remote:3
Also, can you add pictures to your Gallery using the web interface?
It's possible that your firewall blocks file uploads.
Posts: 17
I have the same problem, and it seems like it's only GR 1.2.1 that works for me. I have a Win XP SP1.. totaly up to date and I'm using JRE 1.4.2_03
Posts: 17
Now I've also tried to log the session to find out what's wrong, but it won't even display anything in the console.
Changed the lines as stated in the documentation but nothing is displayed.
Posts: 93
you don't have to change those lines to get the log, thats only if you want it to go to the console, the best way is to follow the first bit of instructions and look at the "GalleryRemoteLog.txt" file in the temp directory on your computer.
Posts: 17
Thanks a bunch
What part of the log should I supply?
Posts: 17
Here is the dump from the log-file.
And here I'm logging in and performing a drag, drop and upload.
And as you can see the file never gets uploaded.
The webinterface works fine. So there is no FW issue at my place
I hope that you guys are able to find a solution to this problem.
Posts: 1479
Strange, I can't see anything suspect in the log, so I have no idea what's happening.
Can I create builds with more debug info so you can test them and we can figure out what's happening?
Posts: 17
Sure thing
Send me the stuff or post a link and I'll install it
Since the 1.3.1 don't want to be installed the normal way with JRE 1.4.2_03 I'll do it the from scratch with MS VM and then install the JRE rundtime. 
Posts: 1479
I'll send you a ZIP patch, not a full installer; you'll be able to upgrade from 1.2.1 or 1.3.1.
I won't be able to get to it before Tuesday.
Posts: 17
okidoki. Looking forward to it.
Posts: 1479
Although I don't know how that could happen, the only place where I think a problem may be occurring is when saving the state.
Can you rename the file lib/JSX1.0.7.4.jar to lib/JSX1.0.7.4.jar.dis, then try again. This will prevent the state to be saved, and the upload might work.
Also, an execption is probably being thrown, but not printed to the log.
I know you tried changing the .lax file to print the log in the console rather than the log file.
Could you try again?
Posts: 17
Did all this, but it dosn't print anything to the console. It's just black with a cursor. Dragged and droppet some images, but it does not upload. When I click on Upload nothing happens. The uploading display does not apear.
Any other ideas?
Posts: 1479
Are you sure the toSysOut property in is set to true? In the latest log that you posted here, it was set to false, which would explain that nothing is being printed to the console.
The fact that the console does appear indicates that you have succesfully changed the .lax file.
Posts: 17
Yep. Very sure.
The file here is called I even tried to rename it to
Posts: 1479
That's the wrong file. You shouldn't modify the file, but the file called in your user account folder, like c:\Documents and Settings\NeMissis\.GalleryRemote
That file overrides the defaults, so your changes don't get taken into account.
Posts: 17
Ah ok...
Now I've added "toSysOut=true" in and "lax.stderr.redirect=console" and "lax.stdout.redirect=console" in Gallery Remote.lax, but still nothing is showing up in the console window.
Posts: 1479
OK, let's try another tack: can you run GR by opening a DOS window and typing
java -jar GalleryRemote.jar
This should print the log and any exceptions to the console.
Posts: 17
Okey.. here we go
Posts: 5
I'm having the problem of being able to log in but no albums show up. I want to revert back to 1.2.x but it's not longer available on the Gallery download page at sourceforge. Is there somewhere else I can download older versions of the linux installer?
Posts: 1479
You can install one of the 1.2.1 builds from the nightly site. FAQ Gallery Remote:1
Posts: 1479
Finally! Thanks NeMissis. I'll have a patch ready by the time you wake up
Posts: 17
Now that's what I call service
What was wrong... Something missing in the Windows-version of JRE? That would really suprise me since Java is supposed to be crossplatform compatible.
Posts: 9
OK, paour, I have run the commands with all output to the console. I piped everything to a file. When I log in, I see the very bottom of a tree-button, so I click on it. Then, I can actually navigate my site, more or less. I use the arrow-keys to choose a certain Album and I can download current pictures. The only thing wrong is that I can't actually see the tree. I suppose it is almost in a usable state if I want to blindly navigate around until I find what I want. Anyway, attached is the full output.
BTW...I just noticed the last few posts. Does that patch fix this problem too?
Posts: 1479
I'm pretty sure this is a bug in the VM: that class didn't change from 1.2.1 to 1.3.1. Are you able to run 1.2.1 with the same VM?
Posts: 1479
ghotiboy1, the changes I made to fix NeMissis' problem don't apply to your case. I see you're using a slightly older VM. Could you try to upgrade to the latest Sun JDK?
NeMissis, I think the problem appeared in 1.4.2_03-b2. I'm using 1.4.2_02-b3 and it's working fine, and worked fine with previous versions. I'll try upgrading soon to see if that's really the case and submit a bug report to Sun.
Posts: 1479
You can download 1.3.2-b2 from the nightly site. Tell me what happens... This is for the Windows can't upload problem.
Posts: 9
paour, I ran 1.2.1 just fine with the same VM, but it didn't have the "tree" output. Instead, it used a drop down box, which worked fine. I will go download the latest Sun SDK and see what happens. You recommend using the Sun one versus the Blackdown package?
Posts: 1479
ghotiboy1, I do suggest running the Sun VM. It seems to be better supported. Didn't Sun and Blackdown do a deal a while back?
Regarding the Windows problem: I did upgrade to 1.4.2_03-b2 and the bug didn't come up, so I have to rely on you guys to test. I have no idea why that happens, but my solution was to catch the error so it should be pretty fool-proof.
Posts: 17
This one was for me? Where do I put the files? Guess I'm a sofa king we todd (sound like Guess I'm a So f*cking retard :p)
Posts: 1479
NeMissis, here's how you upgrade: FAQ Gallery Remote:1
Posts: 93
I think paour meant this link:
Posts: 17
paour, still have the same problem. Downloaded the upgrade, and made sure it stated 1.3.2-b2 under "about"
Posts: 9
I have downloaded and updated my Java to the latest from Sun. Version 1.4.2_03. I have the exact same problems. Here is the new log file (attached).
Posts: 1479
NeMissis, the log fragment you posted shows my code successfully traps the error (and then prints it to the log, so we don't forget about the bug).
I take it that the upload is still unsuccessful. What happens, then? Can you post the rest of the log?
Posts: 1479
ghotiboy1, I have no idea what the problem might be. At this point, since no exceptions come up, I can't do anything except hope that someone who has acces to your type of setup can duplicate the error and fix it him/herself.
Posts: 17
This is it... Nothing else happens...
Posts: 1479
Are you using a specific XP style? Can you switch to the Win2000 look on XP? I think this is the problem. New versions of Java attempt to use XP styles, and in this particular instance, I think they're messing up.
I'll try to disable this behavior.
Posts: 1479
New attempt at a fix here.
Posts: 17
Thumbs up, man! This worked like a dream.
Yep, I was using StyleXP with the bes0mi look. Can not stand the standard Windows Theme. ;)
GR now workes
I uploaded pictures, fetched them back and deleted them :D
Thank you so very much paour!
Posts: 1479
Thanks NeMissis for sticking with me. This is one of the wierdest VM bugs I've ever come across.
I'll release 1.3.2 final as soon as I have confirmation that this fixes other people's bugs (not including the wierd "tree don't show up on Linux" bug).
Short night for you, eh?
Posts: 17
Didn't want to turn my back on such a good product as Gallery Remote.
No problem
Yeah, been a short night. Wasn't able to sleep. Same shit every year when the temprature rises here in Norway. I sleep like a rock when they drop, but the other way around turns me into a freaking bat :p
Seems like you had a very short night too ;)
Posts: 1479
A long day... I'm in California. I should update my profile.
Posts: 17
Yeah, you should do that ;) I thought you were in France... hehehe.
Posts: 2
I'm using Gentoo Linux...
* dev-java/blackdown-jdk
Latest version available: 1.4.1
Latest version installed: 1.4.1
Size of downloaded files: 118,889 kB
Description: Blackdown Java Development Kit 1.4.1
(the JDK includes the JRE, of course).
Let me know if there is anything else I can provide that will help solve this issue. GR works in XP, but I spend 90% of my time in Linux...
Posts: 1479
Thanks for the details. As I've said, what I need is a Linux person who can actually fix the problem. In the absence of any "error", I have no idea what the problem is.
I do have a Linux box (running Gentoo), but it's headless and I don't want to install X on it, so I can't debug this.
Posts: 4
Having the same problem on Linux with the albums pane showing up empty. I've tried with a couple VM's, including the one distributed with the code itself. I'm running Debian unstable.
Has anyone had this running successfully under Linux? If so, what setup were you using?
Going to see if I can debug what's going on now, will post if I have any luck.
Posts: 16
Posts: 4
The albums are being fetched properly from the server, and they're actually present in the left hand album panel, they're just not displaying. Now suspect it's a font issue that wasn't forseen with Linux, thus why they're in the list and just not being displayed. Still working on it, not very familiar with java gui's.