Japanese Langauge and Gallery


Joined: 2002-09-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2002-10-20 09:52

Hello there,

Is there anyone out there who can specifically tell me if Shift_Jis can be used with gallery?

Using mbstring in PHP I have been able to test locally on my computer with Apache and it seems to work. However my provider doesn't have the MBstring extension enabled on their PHP so I can't use the gallery for Japanese.

I know there is EUC-JP but everyone in Japan uses Shift_JIS for everything and I've had quite a bit of trouble getting gallery to perform with a meta tag. Although this may just be my lack of expertise with this script.

Quite a few of my friends here in Japan and myself have really searched the Net for some good PHP scripts, but we always find the same problem with scripts handling the 2 byte characters of Japanese. There are also parsing issues as well.

So, long story short, if anyone has some specific ideas that would help in getting gallery or PHP scripts in general to be more compatible with Japanese that would be great. I must say I'm a little pessimistic on gallery or any other PHP script working well with Shift_JIS at the moment as I have yet to find a PHP guru who can crack it. Most either don't reply or just don't know. Perhaps waiting is just the best thing to do . :smile:

Thanks kindly,
