This is possibly related to a problem I also have that the main Gallery Remote (v1.3.2) won't connect (logged in the Gallery Remote forum), but the new upload applet will not upload pictures no matter who I am logged in as (Admin or user). It goes through the uploading of the file then fails saying that the user cannot upload pictures to this album. debug mode fails to reveal any more that I can see and there are no messages in PHP.LOG
If I switch to the form I can upload as before with Gallery v1.4.2
Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.4.3 (embedded in PostNuke)
Apache version: n/a (using IIS-6)
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 4.3.6
Graphics Toolkit: ImageMagick
Operating system: Windows 2003
Web browser/version (if applicable): Firefox 0.8
Posts: 8
Same problem. Exactly the same. Gallery 1.4.3 embedded in PostNuke .726 Phoenix. The only difference is that mine says "User cannot add photos to this album", as opposed to "upload". I suspect that's what you meant, Taomyn.
I'd really like to use this feature because I love the idea of a progress bar (I upload a fair number of relatively large videos to my Gallery).
Posts: 135
Verbal yes you are correct, I meant "add", and likewise, now that I have upgraded to an 8M pixel camera, my uploads are somewhat larger so the progress meter is great :D
I think Gallery Remote in full and mini format are both broken under PostNuke - I wish I could have had time to try out the beta and RC's then hopefully this may have been caught before release.
Posts: 8
That seems to be the case....Gallery Remote has failed to work with my Postnuke install in every release. I was hoping that maybe the configuration wizard would solve that problem, as there is a drop-down box for choosing several CMS systems in which Gallery can be embedded.
Posts: 8
No comments/suggestions?
Posts: 13
same problem for me...
im running gallery 1.4.3 final (very great program!!!) in a postnuke environment. adding photos to an album with the form works well (as it did in earlier versions). but using the new java-aplett gives me an error: "Upload error: User cannot add to album." no matter what account i am using (admin, user) the error repeats!
BUT: the first file i wanted to upload with this aplett (lets call it 123.jpg) appears every time i try to select another picture. so if i want to upload picture 456.jpg, using the java aplett, i klick on "add pictures..." and select 456.jpg. but in the "list of pictures to upload" it doesn't appear - instead there is the very first picture i ever tried to upload with the new java-aplett: 123.jpg. when i nevertheless click on "upload", i get the error mentioned above...
this java feature seems to be a great addition... if it would work for me!
i will do some more research on the errors and test with some other browsers/os
i was using slackware linux with java version "1.4.2_04" and mozilla 1.6 and the appropriate java plugin.
Posts: 13
ok, the error/problem does not appear in the standalone gallery, but embedded in postnuke!
it doesn't matter what os or browser to use...
help us please!!! there must be something wrong in an embedded gallery, whereas the java-slideshow works well!
Posts: 3
I have observed the same problem mentioned by the others. Similiar installation (Apache2, PHP 4.3.6, PostNuke .726, WinXP w/SP1, Gallery 1.4.3). Form-based uploads (with Apache mod_rewrite off) seems to work fine, Applet-based doesn't. When I turn mod_rewrite on, neither method works. Possibly a problem with my Apache install (default install on Win has space in root dir -- <drive:>\Apache <space> Group\Apache2\htdocs\html\modules\gallery\)?
Have any of you noticed any errors in the apache error log pertaining to Gallery attempting to use some files/directories that don't exist (no specifics at present as I am at work, I can provide later if these would be useful). It appears as if some of the rewrites are getting messed up (maybe not -- I'm definately no expert on that).
Posts: 13451
[sorry, a bit late, but moving to the correct forum
Posts: 135
I know that the upload applet is based on Gallery Remote, but strictly speaking this is a Gallery problem that effects anyone using my site.
Posts: 13451
Taomyn, yes, but it's still Gallery remote. And, since this is the forum that the GR developer follows, odds are that you get a better answer here.
Posts: 1479
Hi all, I'd like to try to fix this before we ship G 1.4.3-pl1. Can one of you give me an ssh account on their server so I can debug this issue?
Posts: 2
I'm having the exact same problem too, from both WinXP and OS X machines, though last night I was having an "Invald Login" error from my OS X machine. My copy of gallery is embedded in phpBB. Could the applet not be correctly pulling down permissions?
I'd lend an SSH if I had one, but my Linux web host doesn't offer them without a fee.
Barring a quick fix for this, is there any way I can disable/remove this option from my add menu?
Posts: 8
I'd love to help, but I'm on a virtual hosting account. Don't think I can give out SSH access.
Posts: 1479
To disable the applets, remove the java/GalleryRemoteAppletMini.jar file.
Posts: 135
Depends on what it is you want access to? I have SSH, but it's a Win2k3 server (yeah unsupported, whatever), but I'm still willing to help (I have daily backups so it's not too much of a risk :-? )
Posts: 64
I cannot upload or do anything with the Remote Applet. It can download all of the info, but it does not seem to be able to upload anything. It just locks up when I try to upload things.
I like its functionality, I am an amateur at this php stuff and could not help much. I am just here adding my comments and hoping that the staff at Gallery hears us.
Thank you.
Posts: 1479
OK, forget the SSH access for the time being. Can someone PM me the URL, username and password of their PN deployment so I can test and look at the log? Or post the Java log on this thread?
Posts: 1479
I've identified the problem: the CMS is using its own session management system, which Gallery doesn't know about, and so it can't pass the session cookie to GR, which then can't be authenticated to upload.
Specifically, what's happening is this:
- the applet receives from the page the cookie POSTNUKESID (which corresponds to the session_name() method)
- when the applet tries to connect to the server, it receives another cookie: PHPSESSID. This cookie is probably set by Gallery, but I don't know how to find out if this name is always used, and what the value is, so I can pass it to the applet.
Any PHP wizards can help me out?
Posts: 2322
I'll contact you in email about this.
Posts: 13
does anyone already have a suggestion on how to fix this? thanks a lot =)
Posts: 135
Perhaps reading the entire thread may give you a clue as to the status of fixing this, i.e. not yet, but the cause has now been found :D
Posts: 13
hehe i got that, but signe's post was suddenly getting my attention and i felt like typing something in here =)
Posts: 2322
djbis was a paid upgrade customer, so he was entitled to a little bit of hands-on attention if his Gallery wasn't operating right after the upgrade. It turned out to just be some confusion about how the applets worked.
Posts: 13
ok sorry, didn't mean to sound impatient or neglected ;)
Posts: 8
Any progress?
Posts: 1479
Not yet. The problem has been identified, but I have no idea how to solve it, and nobody has offered any information. My current point of view is to disable the applet when the Gallery is embedded.
Posts: 135
If you can explain a bit more about the issue with session variable a bit more clearly, perhaps detailing the messages your are sending and receiving, myself or someone else might be able to shed some light on the issue.
I definately know you can set the session id for the variable, it's in the Gallery config wizard.
Posts: 1479
I've thought about this again, and I know what the problem is: when the applet tries to connect to Gallery, it's connecting to the gallery_remote2.php URL directly, not through the CMS, so the session handling and user management is that of standalone Gallery, which is bad.
I have to find a way of communicating to the applet the right URL.
Thanks for the kick in the butt that inspired me to investigate further!
Posts: 5
FYI, this also happens when embedded in Geeklog.
How does one run the standalone?
Posts: 1479
I've fixed this for PostNuke (but it should work in other CMS) in G 1.4.4-b105. Please install and test it.
Posts: 34
Where can we get this version? I dont see it with the Nightly builds.
Posts: 2322
It won't be available until tonight... paour just finished the checkins in the last hour or so. Anonymous CVS takes 6-12 hours to sync, and the nightlies are only done once a day.
Posts: 1
Ok I just uploaded the updated .jar files from the latest build to my server that has PHPNuke, and no luck. still getting the "User cannot add to album" error. What other files should i change out other than the .jar files in /java?
Posts: 1479
It's not just the .jar files, some PHP files also need to change. You should update your entire Gallery installation to the latest 1.4.4 beta.
Posts: 4
Hate to be the barer of bad news but that did not fix PHPNuke. Same problem still exists. I'm using 1.4.4 b111
Posts: 1479
Hcor, can you attach your applet log of the failure?
To get the Java log, right-click on the Java icon in the task bar tray (on Windows) and select Java Console.
Posts: 4
I don't have the Java Console for some odd reason.
But I also had to revert back to the 1.4.1 release of Gallery as their were some other things flaky in the 1.4.4 b111 that I couldn't have on a production system.
I will replicate the problem using my development box tomorrow, and I can leave it that way till we figure the problem out. Then maybe I can also get the Java logs.
Posts: 1479
The Java icon only appears after the applet loads. In Mozilla, you can also access it from the Tool>Web Development>Java Console menu.
Posts: 4
I am actually using Firefox.
Posts: 135
Sorry, no can do. Tried to run the config wizard after the update, and 80% of the options don't display so who knows what damage it will do. Have had to stick to the current version and disable the applet
Unless of course you can tell me what PHP was changed specifically for this issue, if it's not too much, then I can give that a try with the new applets.
Posts: 4
Yeah sometimes I wish updates for web software (PHPnuke, Gallery, etc.) would use the patch utility like system updates do. Would really make life easier.
I didn't get around to putting this to work on my dev box today, maybe tomorrow and I can start generating some java logs and see if we can get this thing fixed. Sure is a nice tool.
Posts: 3
What is the current status on this?
I am experiencing the same problem with gallery 1.4.3 and phpNuke not being able to use the applet to upload images.
Paour, if you still need an SSH account for testing purposes I can provide one for you on my development server. I'm interested in figuring out how to get the applet working properly as I need to make the image upload process as easy as possible (the site is a portal for my family members).
Thanks, and Kudos for devoloping such a cool piece of software!
Posts: 1479
mswanson, I've had very little feedback on the presumptive fixes I've added to G 1.4.4, so I've very interested in being able to test on your dev server. However, I don't think I need SSH access. I just need you to set up PHPNuke and the most recent G 1.4.4 beta, and a test accont on PHPNuke so I can test.
Thanks for the offer!
Posts: 3
Please email me at my member address (I assume you have access to this.. I just registered today so I'm not sure) and I'll give you the access details.
I have phpNuke 7.0 installed with gallery v1.4.4-cvs-b139 (which exhibits the problem mentioned in this thread).
No sir, thank YOU!
Best Regards
-Marc Swanson-
Posts: 1479
It seems that PHPNuke uses not the PHPSESSID cookie to keep track of the user, but another cookie 'user'. I need information on whether that cookie name is configurable and how to get its value.
This is analogous to how phpBB handles user authentication and I can modify the applet (and Gallery itself) to pass that info along, but I need to know how it works in each CMS that doesn't use PHP sessions to keep track of users.
Posts: 1479
PHPNuke uses a cookie called 'user' that's hardcoded. I'm updating Gallery to support that.
I still need confirmation that my fixes of last week work on PostNuke.
I still need diagnostic and/or test deployments of the latest Gallery in conjunction with phpBB, Mambo and the other CMSs.
Posts: 1479
Thanks to Marc Swanson for help on figuring out how to set cookies for PHPNuke.
From G 1.4.4b146, the applet successfully uploads to PHPNuke and PostNuke.
Posts: 135
Excellent news, but how stable is 1.4.4b146? I tried a b14x previously to try and get the fix to this and found the config wizard wasn't working and reverted back
Posts: 11
Geeklog also uses it's own session handling (geeklog/system/lib-sessions.php). The code itself is to advanced for me to figure out (at least at this hour of the night), but it has this comment:
"This is the session management library for Geeklog. Some of this code was borrowed by phpBB 1.4.x which is also GPL'd". Does that help at all?
I have Gallery 1.4.3 embedded in Geeklog, and the applet gives the error message "Upload error: User cannot add to album." after the picture is uploaded. For fun, I tried both the 1.3.3-b1 applets and the 1.4-b13 applets, with the same result.
Posts: 1479
tingo, can you post the Java log of trying to upload with the applet? Thanks for the pointer to the right file within the geeklog install!