Gallery 1.4.3 and Mambo 4.5


Joined: 2004-04-27
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2004-04-27 11:25


I installed my mambo CMS 4.5 and also Gallery 1.4.3. After the configuration and executing the I made a entry in the main menu of the mambo site, which links to the Gallery component.

When I click on the menu "Gallery" I come to the overview of my albums. But now if I want to view some photos of if I want to add a new album or something else the corresponding link was incorrect. I think the "option" part of the link is generated false.

You can have a look at this problem:

Here the generated "option" part of the Link is "Impressum".

Please can anybody help me????

Best regards,



Joined: 2004-04-27
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2004-04-29 21:00

Hello again,

have nobody the same problem? Can anybody give me a hint, where I can start my investigation?

Please help me.

Best regards



Joined: 2004-05-02
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2004-05-02 14:16

I have this problem too... it looks like all the gallery links are getting mixed up with the menu items. Check out this page:

If you click on Picture gallery, it opens okay... but all the links have option=Upcoming Events which is the menu item below...

If I move the Picture gallery menu item down, the links turn into option=Picture Gallery. Shouldn't the option be com_gallery always?

Anyone else seen this?

er16004's picture

Joined: 2004-03-19
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2004-05-19 19:16
danyul wrote:
If I move the Picture gallery menu item down, the links turn into option=Picture Gallery. Shouldn't the option be com_gallery always?

I am having this exact same problem. After creating a new menu item for the component Gallery, if I try to rename the Menu Item to anything BUT com_gallery, if will stop my Gallery from working. What I've noticed in the URL is the same problem you arre having. Say I name my menu item Gallery, it shows up i the URL as ...option=Gallery... and it won't work. For a temporary fix, I've named the Menu Item com_gallery so it correctly goes to my Gallery and displays ...option=com_gallery... in the URL.

I know this is long-winded and I basically re-stated the problem that the users above had, but this problem is really frustrating me.

I've noticed that a couple of the people that posted links have had their problem fixed. Can anyone of you share the solution here?




Joined: 2004-04-27
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2004-06-18 05:57


Hurra! Jens - a german developer - found a solution yesterday. Many thanks to Jens!

If someone has the same problem, you can try the following: Open the file "index.php" of Gallery (!), which can be found directly in the Gallery sub-directory, and replace the following code:

	 * Change this variable if your Gallery module has a different
	 * name in the Nuke or phpBB2 modules directory.

	if (isset($name)) {
		define ('GALLERY_URL',"modules/$GALLERY_MODULENAME/");
	} elseif (isset($option)) {
		$mamboDir = getcwd();
		define ('GALLERY_URL',$MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS['path']);

	if (isset($option)) {

with the following lines:

	 * Change this variable if your Gallery module has a different
	 * name in the Nuke or phpBB2 modules directory.

        if (isset($name)) {
	        $GALLERY_MODULENAME = $name;
	        define ('GALLERY_URL',"modules/$GALLERY_MODULENAME/");
    	if (isset($option)) {
	        $GALLERY_MODULENAME = $option;
	        $mamboDir = getcwd();
	        define ('GALLERY_URL',$MOS_GALLERY_PARAMS['path']);
	        $GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE = 'mambo';

That works for me. My base was Gallery v1.4.1-pl1.

Best regards


er16004's picture

Joined: 2004-03-19
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2004-06-18 13:03


Thank you for the effort!!!! In the meantime, I did find the problem I was having with Gallery was a Javascript error that was conflicting with the JSCook menu I had built into my page.

My temporary solution for this was to remove the built-in JSCook from my template and start using the JSCook Display Menu Module from Stringrey. I no longer have any errors with Gallery after switching this.

I would, however, like to try your solution to see if this also fixes the problem.

Thanks again!