albums black bg


Joined: 2002-10-22
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2002-11-03 00:56

When albums.php loads in the browser, the backgrounds to the images shows up before the images load.

How do i change this background to white as opposed to black?


Joined: 2002-07-20
Posts: 1301
Posted: Sun, 2002-11-03 08:10

That background is to do with the way Gallery currently utilizes tables in the layout. If you were to look at my site, for example, the background behind the images shows up as green, like all the outlines - because I changed the colour from black to green.

I haven't looked really closely (because it's late and I'm tired :roll: ), but take a look in the html_wrap folder at the inline_gallerythumb.frame.default (and similarly named files). I think you *might* be able to do something there. If you are comfortable with it, try and see. Just remember to name your changed files WITHOUT the .default extension, which will preserve the originals in case you mess up.

Good luck!


Joined: 2002-10-22
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2002-11-03 09:54

OK thanks so how did you change yours from black to green?

in inline_albumthumb.frame.default the code is picked up from these lines -

$borderColor = $gallery->html_wrap['borderColor'];

td bgcolor="<?= $borderColor ?

i have bordercolor and background set to white for each album but this does not seem to effect albums.php.

can i force the color to be white in the code? i tried -

$borderColor = $gallery->html_wrap['#FFFFFF'];

$borderColor = $gallery->html_wrap['white'];

but no joy im afraid.

I was also going to ask how to resize these images but perhaps thats not a good idea!


Joined: 2002-07-20
Posts: 1301
Posted: Sun, 2002-11-03 18:16

Good Morning!

The colour is set in the config.php when you first set up your gallery files. So, you can either run setup again, and when you get to the bit about border and bordercolor - set them there OR alternatively - just d/l your config.php - find lines 67 and 68 (under the defaults section at the end) and edit the colours there, save and re-upload your file.

All the rest of the pages have the option to set the border size and colour in the album and photo properties popup that you have access to when you are logged in with admin privileges.


Joined: 2002-10-22
Posts: 8
Posted: Mon, 2002-11-04 19:48

Excellent ! Much thanks : )