Hot pixel correction as part of watermarking?


Joined: 2004-05-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2004-05-10 16:36

My camera's images get pretty noisy when the exposures are long, and there's one stuck pixel that just destroys dark images. Pixelzap can fix this, but it's Windows-only. I'm guessing the watermarking tool could probably perform darkfield subtractions.

I was unable to find a Linux-based tool that does this, but if there's one out there, has anyone considered integrating it with Gallery? If such a thing doesn't exist yet, I'll ask the author of Pixelzap if he'd consider opening the source for the command-line version.

My main reason for wanting it as part of the watermark routine is to minimize JPEG generation loss. I usually upload images exactly as they came out of the camera. Thoughts?