REQUEST for G2: Make "random block" include or exc


Joined: 2002-08-17
Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 2002-11-04 01:38

(If this has already been requested or is already on the boards, please ignore)

Since G2 is moving towards a database structure, this should be very, very easy to implement....just one or two extra fields and a "setting" routine. Basically, add a field (either at the image level or the album level) that is a random block include or exclude field. That way, a person could select what fields to include or exclude from the random image block. I don't know the best way to approach it, include or exclude, so that would probably require some discussion. However, I know the following would need to be requirements:

- allow a "global" default setting for all newly created albums to either be selected or not
- allow a "cascade" option when changes are made to an album...bascially, "change this setting on this album and all sub-albums and images" setting
- allow individual changes at the album or image level


I really want to use the random image block, but I don't want to include all my albums. For instance, a random vacation image!

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Joined: 2002-08-17
Posts: 51
Posted: Thu, 2002-11-07 02:37

I'm sorry I posted this in the wrong forum. I didn't realize the G2 forum was also a place where people were posting feature requests. Can an admin move this message for me so I don't look like a total idiot. :roll: