How Do I...


Joined: 2002-11-04
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2002-11-04 11:54


I am using the postcard mod to allow photos to be sent to others. We are also using an external photo selling company (like shutterfly)

now i would like to put the option to buy a photo onto the postcard pickup pages, but i'm unsure of the code to use.

basically, in the normal view_photo.php we have:

<form method="post" action="" target="printbutton"
<input type='hidden' name='v_id' value='58105'>
<script language='' src=''></script>
<INPUT TYPE="text" name="qty" value="1" size="2">
<INPUT TYPE="image" name="buy_<?=$sk_shortname ?>" src=''>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="thumbnail_url_<?= $sk_shortname ?>" value="<?= $rawImage ?>">

and i have defined:

$sk_shortname = $photo->image->name;
$rawImage = $photoPath . "/" . $photo->image->name . ".thumb." . $photo->image->type;

in the postcard pickup page, i'm not sure i can do this, as we are not using a page within the albums structure. i could pass the $sk_shortname and $rawimage across to the postcard to be stored then displayed when shown.. would that work?


cheers for an EXCELLENT product