performing auto-rotation upon upload *before* the resize?


Joined: 2003-05-28
Posts: 26
Posted: Tue, 2004-05-25 09:09

How simple would it be, in the current Gallery code, to perform the autorotation upon upload before the resizing is done? It is one of the setbacks of jpegtran: if an image is not the right dimentions (multiple of 16, sometimes multiple of 8), a rotation can result in a misplaced band in the image. Ideally, jpegtran should get the Debian patch applied upstream: allows returning an error code if this is the case, then old-fashioned manual rotation can be done in cases where jpegtran has problems.

Still, what would help tremendously is if the jpegtran rotation is performed on the original image (usually a nice/decent size, if it comes directly from the camera, a multiple of 16), and only then do the resizing. This problem will then not appear as often (not at all in my case). In Gallery 1.3 it was still trivial, just had to swap two paragraphs. I realize 1.4's code is probably a lot more involved (due to the possible resizing of original images, etc.). I don't have time to study the code right now, and probably won't get around to it for the next 4 or 5 weeks, at least, so I was hoping a quick answer from one of the guru's that already knows the code well would settle this.

Thanks! Great app, looking forward to G2 (though some of my users have started using the voting system, meaning I might have trouble taking them to the first release, or a beta release, maybe I'll go for a side-by-side installation).