Any developer scutwork?


Joined: 2004-05-11
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-03 02:57

Is there any grunt work needing to be done for G2? Something that'd be suitable for an experienced developer who hasn't worked in PHP before? You know, the type of stuff that's boring but necessary, designed but not coded, that you'd give to an intern, if only you had one?


Joined: 2004-04-07
Posts: 31
Posted: Sun, 2004-06-06 15:03

Hi Jay,

i just wanted to bring this post to the top again, maybe it was overlooked by the lead developers? Somebody is offering to do some work "that's boring but necessary" and no replies?? Can't believe that... ;-)

Of course if you have no PHP experience of all, it might be a good start for you to simply browse through the code and the tests to get a grip on how it's working. G2 has a wonderful architecture but it took me a few hours to get an overview.

If you have worked with other MVC frameworks, e.g. in the java world, then it won't be too difficult.

Do you have special interest to work in a certain area ?


bharat's picture

Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2004-06-06 23:18

Weird, I thought I posted a reply, but maybe I forgot to submit it. Yes, we have plenty of scut work that needs doing, and we'd love to have you involved. Please come on by the #gallery channel on and track me down and let's talk about how you can be a part of the team!