Top/Bottom Solid Border too big...


Joined: 2004-06-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2004-06-07 23:46

On the pages the main gallery page and the pages that display photos, the "solid" border (which I'm using on all images) is about 10 or 20 pixels on the top and bottom. What can I do to stop this?

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Mon, 2004-06-07 23:48

Not sure if I understand you correctly, an url or screenshot might help.


Joined: 2004-06-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-24 17:11

Here is a screenshot of what his happening...

h0bbel's picture

Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 13451
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-24 17:13

In what version is this?


Joined: 2004-06-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-24 17:22

This is on version 1.4.3. You can see the image above for yourself right here.