Adding Images with Gallery 1.4.3x

Collectonian's picture

Joined: 2004-06-02
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-17 15:31

I have to say I really don't like the Java uploader at all...if I wanted to use a Java applet I'd get Gallery remote. Is there anyway to totally disable the Java upload system? Right now it defaults to the Java page until you choose something else, which stops it for awhile, but the it eventually returns to Java as the default.

Also, what happened the form for single photo uploads that let you fill in all the fields (especially the custom fields) while uploading a picture? I loved that form...made it much easier for me to add contest entries to a gallery on my site since I could put in all the details as I added each photo.

It would be nice to have a way to view all pictures that have gone unviewed since x time after uploading, to help with cleaning out albums. Also, it would be nice if the permission's box's owner field actually showed the correct owner instead of just the first on the list, especially when using Gallery inside another app, like PHP-Nuke.

signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Thu, 2004-06-17 17:17

A config option has been added to the 1.4.4 release to control which upload method is used on the system by default. The selection you make should remain forever, or until you clear your cookies.

The single-photo upload was removed before Gallery 1.4.0 was released. There are no immediate plans to add it back because most users don't upload only single photos, and even if they do, the multiple-upload form provides that functionality.

Unviewed since - This could be a tool that's added. Please submit an RFE here.

The permissions dialog does display the correct owner as the default selection, at least in standalone mode. I'll ask our embedding expert to look at embedded Galleries.

Collectonian's picture

Joined: 2004-06-02
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2004-06-18 13:53

Thanks for your quick reply. I've posted the RFE for the unviewed since option.

I have the current version of the stand alone gallery. It only has a single user, yet when I open the permissons of any of my albums the owner always shows as nobody. It doesn't affect operations any, just more of an FYI thing. :)

For the single picture upload, where does the multi-picture upload replicate the same functionality? Both the Java and the Form versions only let you fill in the caption. You can't add in additional information for custom fields or other data...just the caption. While the single picture upload may not have been used the majority of the time by a lot of users, I am sure than many users did use it and that some, like me, used it more than the multiple upload form because it did allow for filling in all of the info at once.

Glad to hear the Java thing willbe configuration in the next release. Thanks!

Kommercial's picture

Joined: 2002-08-19
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2004-07-02 10:03

Ok i figured it out how to get rid of the applet/remote. that applet bugs the crap out of me and none of my hundreds of users want to download anything like gallery remote etc. Im lucky to get them to upload photos, now they gotta download stuff? People are lazy you know!

Anyway just edit out lines 125 thru 135 in add_photos.php. The applet tabs will dissapear completely and it wont try to load. worked for me and havent had probs since. it will then default to FORM as the default.

antjenkins's picture

Joined: 2004-07-03
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2004-07-08 00:35

You can also shift the applet tabs to be second (or third or fourth) by MOVING this block:

if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/java/GalleryRemoteAppletMini.jar") &&
	file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/java/GalleryRemoteHTTPClient.jar")) {
    $modes["applet_mini"] = _("Applet");
	if (file_exists("java/GalleryRemoteApplet.jar")) {
	    $modes["applet"] = _("Applet (big)");

to AFTER the proper "$modes" line (which are immediately following that code's original position). Each "$modes" line is one of the tabs ("Form," "URL," & "Other").


Joined: 2004-07-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2004-07-22 10:07
Collectonian wrote:
For the single picture upload, where does the multi-picture upload replicate the same functionality? Both the Java and the Form versions only let you fill in the caption. You can't add in additional information for custom fields or other data...just the caption. While the single picture upload may not have been used the majority of the time by a lot of users, I am sure than many users did use it and that some, like me, used it more than the multiple upload form because it did allow for filling in all of the info at once.

I was just going to ask about this. I really liked being able to add the description at the same time; it's a lot more straightforward than having to go back and edit. Also, I prefer to encourage users NOT to bulk upload, so if there were a way to hack the single-upload back in to 1.4.3 I would be interested in it.

eucarya's picture

Joined: 2004-05-26
Posts: 37
Posted: Sat, 2004-09-04 16:40

I too am interested in a way to be able to have the custom fields available to the users at the time of the image upload. It would save time and confusion as they would not have to go back and edit every image to add the information to the custom fields. Anyone have any luck figuring out how to do this in Gallery 1.4.4-pl2 ?

If so I could use the help!