Changing text fields after images are uploaded?


Joined: 2004-06-03
Posts: 43
Posted: Tue, 2004-07-20 00:11

Does GR not currently allow you to modify picture's title, caption, etc. of existing pictures in the Gallery? If that is true, is it possible to add that feature? It's just so much faster than the web interface...

joel558's picture

Joined: 2003-04-10
Posts: 93
Posted: Tue, 2004-07-20 00:23

nope its not possible now... i believe it is in the works, or at least in the plans...

FOBioPatel's picture

Joined: 2004-07-25
Posts: 26
Posted: Sun, 2004-07-25 23:01

It would be choice if I could set all those fields from Gallery Remote, because it is a little slow/tedious making all those modifications via the web interface after using Remote to upload the pictures.

If Gallery Remote could also pass the commands to allow me to delete, move, etc. that would be a great feature as well.

I am assuming the ultimate goal of Gallery Remote in an ideal world is to manage the entire Gallery from the program - and not have to log onto the website as an Admin for anything... right? (dont get me wrong, the GR2 UI is absolutely incredible, but as opposed to being a primary UI it should be built as a backup when you're "on the road" doing some recreational photography)